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1规则10 (接第21讲) 开环极点的分离角和开环零点的会合角是很重要的,因为航空/ 航天工具都存在离虚轴j很近的复数共轭极点和零点。我们可以利 用角条件,通过在开环零、极点附近取试验点来确定分离角和会合角
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怎样研究秦汉史 秦汉史包括了秦、西汉和东汉的历史,时间共有四百多 年(公元前22公元189年)①。这段历史在我国古代史上 是一个很重要的阶段。可是近年来,有不少青年同志不愿研 究这段历史。主要原因有三个:一是秦汉史的有关文献的文 字太深,阅读不易;二是有关秦汉史的史料太少,深入困难 三是秦汉史“人人通”,难成专家
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Weighting Matrix Selection a good rule of thumb when selecting the weighting matrices Rxx (or Ru and R uu is to normalize
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What do you think the eigenvectors of the element stiff- ness matrix represent? 1. a basis in which the stiffness matrix would be diago- nal (if rotated to that basis) 2. a set of nodal displacements for the element corre-
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„ 求解递推方程 „ 计数多重集的r组合数 „ 不定方程的解 „ 整数拆分
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1.关联矩阵M(D),M(G) 2.用基本联矩阵M(G)求所有生成树 3.邻接矩阵A(D),相邻矩阵A(G) 4.用A的幂求不同长度通路(回路)总数 米 5.可达矩阵P(D),连通矩阵P(G) 6.单源最短路径问题, Dijkstra算法
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1. Reduction(fixation)of N, into ammonia(NH3 or NH*) 2. Synthesis of the 20 amino acids 3. Synthesis of other biomolecules from amino acids 4. The de novo pathways for purine and pyrimidinebiosynthesis 5. The salvage pathways for purine and pyrimidine reuse
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1. Reduction(fixation)of N, into ammonia(NH3 or NH*) 2. Synthesis of the 20 amino acids 3. Synthesis of other biomolecules from amino acids 4. The de novo pathways for purine and pyrimidinebiosynthesis 5. The salvage pathways for purine and pyrimidine reuse
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Last time: Unit circle (=1) in the ROCDTFT X(@) exists Rational transforms correspond to signals that are linear combinations of DT exponentials
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