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It is well known that rapidly pulsed current tends to concentrate near the surface of copper conductors forming a “skin”. A similar effect occurs when current flows through a highly conductive and rapidly moving plasma: current tends to concentrate near the entrance and exit of the channel. The reason is the appearance of a strong
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A1 Prokaryotes A2 Eukaryotes A3 Microscopy A4 Cellular fractionation
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2-3.解:设事件 A 为女孩是大学生;设事件 B 为女孩身高 1.6 米以上,根据题意 可知 P(A)=0.25 P(B)=0.5 P(B/A)=0.75 “身高 1.6 米以上的某女孩是大学生”这消息表明是在 B 事件发生的条件 下,A 事件发生。所以其概率为P(A/B)
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10.1 Basic definitions A failure is an unacceptable behaviour exhibited by a system —The frequency of failures measures the reliability —An important design objective is to achieve a very low failure rate and hence high reliability. —A failure can result from a violation of an explicit or implicit requirement
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Subject: English Pronunciation for Communication Purpose: The students will learn stressed words & unstressed words in a sentence in English. Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Define - in their own words a definition for stressed words & unstressed words in a sentence. It is a revision and therefore, easy for most of the students;
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在第7章中,我们讨论了用于配置运行于单个局域网( V L A N)的C a t a l y s t交换机的命令。 本章讨论用于多个 V L A N环境的配置命令和一些“现实世界”的配置实例。我们也会涉及到 诸如动态V L A N和快速以太网通道的特性
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Suppose we want to move a satellite in a circular orbit to a position ∆ϑ apart in the same orbit, in a time ∆t (assumed to be several orbital times at least). The general approach is to transfer to a lower (for positive ∆ϑ ) or higher (for ∆ϑ < 0 ) nearby
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函数 f(x) 在闭区间 [a, b] 上连续是指 f(x) 在该 区间内的每一个点处都连续,并且在两个端 点单侧连续。 闭区间[a, b] 上的连续函数y = f(x) 的图形是 一条从点 A(a, f(a))到点 B(b, f(b)) 的连续不 间断的曲线
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一、罗尔(Rolle)定理 罗尔(Rolle)定理 如果函数 f (x)在闭区间 [a,b] 上连续,在开区间(a,b)内可导,且在区间端点的函数 值相等,即 f (a) = f (b),那末在(a,b) 内至少有一点 (a    b),使得函数 f (x)在该点的导数等于零
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把一个mxn矩阵A,在行的方向上分成s块,在 列的方向分成t块,称为A的sxt分块矩阵,记作 A=[Asx其中A(k=12s1,2t称为A的 子块,它们是各种类型的小矩阵 常用的分块矩阵,除了上面的4块矩阵,还有以 下几种形式:
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