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Chapter 4 Ultrafiltration M.J. LEWIS, Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Reading RG6 6AP 4.1 INTRODUCTION Ultrafiltration offers the opportunity to concentrate large molecular weight components without the application of heat or a change of phase. Such components are rejected
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Chapter 1 Separation processes-an overview A. S. GRANDISON and M. J. LEWIS Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Reading, Whiteknights PO Box 226, Reading, RG6 6AP 1.1 FOODS- THE RAW MATERIAL Food and drink play a vital role in all our lives, providing us with the nutrients essential
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Summary textbook Varian, Hal R, 1992, Microeconomics Analysis, 3rd ed Mas-Colella m Whinston and j, green 1995, microeconomics Theory assignments
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Summary textbook: Varian, Hal R., 1992, Microeconomics Analysis, 3rd ed. Mas-Colell, A., M. Whinston, and J. Green, 1995, Microeconomics Theory. assignments: twice a week; Team work; Deliver on the class
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This lecture: Mount pp 1-7, 29-35, 45-48, Next lecture: Mount pp 8-9, 65-89, 96-115, +more TheProteinDataBank(pdb-http.://ww.pdb.org/)isthesingle worldwide repository for the processing and distribution of 3-D biological macromolecular structure data Berman, H. M, J. Westbrook, Z Feng, G. Gilliland, T N. Bhat
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fe-合金基本相:铁素体(F)(固溶体)、奥氏体(A)(固溶体)、渗碳体(e3C)(金属化合物) 一、铁素体(F): 碳溶于a-Fe中的间隙固溶体,溶碳能力极差。 727℃可达0.0218%b:250~350MPa6:30~50%:7080% 2:100~170MPaa:160~200J/cm2bs:80~120
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一、比热 1.比热的概念 单位质量的纤维,温度升高(或降低)1℃所需要吸收(或放出)的热量,叫纤维的比热。 2.常见纺织纤维的比热 表7-1常见干燥纺织纤维的比热表(测定温度为20℃)单位:J/g℃
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(I)Halliday d, Resnick r, Krane K Physics 5th ed. John Wiley Sons, 2002 (2)Ford K w. Classical and Modern Physics. Xerox College publishing, 1972 (3)Alonso M, Finn E J. Fundamental
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Graphlte works as a lubrlcant because the planes,held together by strong chemlcal (covalent) bonds between the carbon atoms, can sllde across each other wlth only J.M.H.L.S. weak Van der Waals bonds between the planes belng broken
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1.矩阵的概念:矩阵就是矩形的数表。例如: 代表由pq个数字排成的数表,我们称它为p行q列矩阵。矩阵用大写黑体字母表示。其 下标表示它所包含的行列数,也可省略不写。用小写字母表示矩阵中的各个数字,如a表 示A矩阵中第i行第j列的那一个数字,称为矩阵的元素
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