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is a vector equation that relates the magnitude and direction of the force vector, to the magnitude and direction of the acceleration vector. In the previous lecture we derived expressions for the acceleration vector expressed in cartesian coordinates. This expressions can now be used in Newton's second law, to produce the equations of motion expressed in cartesian coordinates
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例题2-5求例题2-4中所示薄壁圆环在内压力 b p=2MPa作用下的径向应变和圆环直径的改变量。 已知材料的弹性模量E=210GPa p 解:在例题2-4中已经求出圆环在任一横截面 上的正应力=40MPa,若正应力不超过材料的比 例极限,则可按公式(2-6)算出沿正应力方向 (a) (即沿圆周方向)的线应变为
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1. Current Regulations of Agricultural seed Production 2. (1)The Current Seed Law of P.R. China 3.(2)Registration and release of plant cultivars 4.(3) Plant Breeders right 5.()Requirements for the seed Enterprises: Capitalasset; Physical/technical conditions
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General Approach to Electrochemical Experiments Identify assumptions Ditusion- ass tran sort +Identify suitable boundary conditions Solye linear diffusion equation (Fick's 2nd law -use Laplace transtorm
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10.1 Federal Regulation of Medical Devices 10.1.1 The Law (including amendments) 10.1.2 Organization of FDA 10.1.3 Classification of Devices 10.1.4 Process of Assessment 510(k)Substantial Equivalence Premarket Approval 10.1.5 Clinical Trials (Investigational Device Exemption) 10.1.6 Labeling 10.1.7 Tripartite Biocompatibility Guidance 10.1.8 Standards 10.1.9 Good Manufacturing Procedures 10.1.10 Good Laboratory Practices 10.2 Clinical Trial Design
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美国的产品责任法主要是州法,而不是联邦统一的立法。各州都有自己的产 品责任法,而且各有差异,为了统一各州的产品责任法,美国商务部在1979年 1月提出了一项《统一产品责任法(草案)》(Draft Uniform ProductLiability Law),供各州采用,但至今尚未被各州采纳
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TAX RESEARCH (1of2) Types of tax research Tax research process How facts affect tax consequences Sources of tax law and value Tax services
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Learning Objectives Describe the steps in the tax research process Explain how the facts affect the tax results Identify the sources of tax law and understand the authoritative value of each Use the tax services to research an issue
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11-1 Classifications of Magnetic Media Magnetic Permeability磁介质的分类磁导率 11-2 Molecular Theory of Paramagnetism& Diamagnetism顺磁质和抗磁质磁化的分子理论 11-3 Ampere's Law in the magnetic matter and magnetic intensity H磁介质中的安培环路定理和磁场强度H 11-4 Ferromagnetism铁磁质
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§9-1 Conductors Elecrostatic Induction 静电场中的导体 静电感应 §9-3 Dielectrics 电介质的极化 §9-4 Gauss’ Law in Dielectric 电介质中的电场 Electric Displacement 有电介质时的高斯定理 电位移 §9-5 Energy in Electric Field 电场的能量 §9-2 Capacitance 电容器 电容器的并联和串联
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