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3-1 Measures of Random Syntactic Information Shannon Theory of Information Key point: 1. Information is something that can be used to remove uncertainty. 2. The amount of information can then be measured by the amount of uncertainty it removed. 3. In the cases of communications, only waveform is concerned while meaning and value are ignored. 4. Uncertainty and thus information are statistic in nature and statistical mathematics is enough
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1. Information Processing Definition of Information processing All operations exerted to the information itself for its better utilization Information processing is necessary because most of the information in its original form may not be good for use. Thus information processing is the basis of later operations Two categories of information processing: 1)Shallow Level of Information Processing 2)Deeper level of Information Processing
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Problems to be concerned with 1. How should we define the concept of Information 2. What are the typical features of Information compared with matter and energy 3. What are the relationship and difference between Shannon Information and comprehensive Information 4. How to reasonably classify Information 5. How to properly represent Information
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特性 符合通用串行总线(USB)1.1版规范 ·高性能USB接口器件,集成了SIE、FF0存储器、收发器以及电压调整器 的米 符合大多数器件的分类规格
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3.1通信信号的功率放大 3.2谐振功率放大器 3.3宽频带的功率合成(非谐振高频功率放大器) 3.4倍频器 3.5天线 3.6实训:高频谐振功率放大器的仿真与性能分析
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内容提要 一、同步电动机变压变频调速的特点及其基本类型 二、他控变频同步电动机调速系统 三、自控变频同步电动机调速系统
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4-1 题见书P71 1对称参习题教程P68 2对称参习题教程P68 3对称参习题教程P68
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第一节 可靠性概述 第二节 可靠性设计 第三节 智能仪器干扰源分析 第四节 抑制电磁干扰的主要技术及应用
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第2章MCS-51单片机的硬件结构 2.1MCS-51单片机的物理结构及逻辑结构 2.2MCS-51单片机的片外总线结构 2.3MCS-51单片机的存储器配置 2.4CP的时序及辅助电路
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一、家用空调器的功能与种类 二、窗式冷风型空调器的结构与工作原理 三、热泵冷风型空调器的结构与工作原理 四、变频式空调器的工作原理 五、家用空调器的安装与使用 六、空调器维修专用工具、维修设备的使用 七、空调器的故障分析与维修
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