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FPGA Design Method Design flow & tools Deign Model of Verilog HDL Design style of Verilog HDL Design Examples • RTL level design • Components of Datapath • Components of Controller
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Verilog for Verification • Testbench anatomy • Behavioral modeling for Testbench • Some examples Timing specification • Delay model • Timing verification • Pipeline technology Design For Test (DFT) Test vs. Verification Build In Self Test (BIST) Scan and Boundary Scan
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Digital Signal Processing • Signal & System • DSP system • Description for DSP FIR Filter Design & Implement • Digital Filter • Specification Design • Hardware Implementation Some Examples • Digital Down Converter • Central Processing Unit
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3.1 极大似然 3.2 隐变量 3.3 EM算法 3.4 混合高斯模型中的EM思想 3.5 论文举例
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• 2.1 Introduction • 2.2 Polynomial Curve Fitting: A Toy • 2.3 Over-fitting • 2.4 Cross-Validation • 2.5 Regularization • 2.6 Linear Basis Function Models • 2.7 Least Squares Revisited • 2.8 Bayesian Linear Regression
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3.1 Sparsity: Applications and Development 3.2 Sparsity Rendering Algorithms 3.3 EM 3.4 Variational Bayes 3.5 Sparse Signal Recovery: Performance PK 3.6 Other Applications for Bayes methods
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1.1 Wireless Channels 1.2 Single Antenna Channels 1.3 Multiple Antenna Channels 1.4 Introduction of Random Matrix
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• 输入电阻 • 输出电阻 • 电压放大模型 • 电流放大模型 1.2.1 模拟信号的放大 1.2.2 放大电路模型 1.2.3 放大电路的主要性能指标 • 增益 • 互阻放大模型 • 互导放大模型 • 隔离放大电路模型 • 频率响应及带宽 • 非线性失真
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2.1 Discrete-Time Signals: Time-Domain Representation Signals represented as sequences of numbers, called samples Sample value of a typical signal or sequence denoted as x[n] with n being an integer in the range-oo≤n≤∞ x[n] defined only for integer values of n and undefined for noninteger values of n Discrete-time signal represented by {x[n]}
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