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Understanding the Title The Jazz Scene means A. The Jazz performance B. The background of Jazz C. The noisy, heavily rhythmic Jazz music D. Introduction to Jazz
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Background information Croydon city in the south east of England Victorian house Sash-window General School Certificate
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Unit 5 Language structures Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Reading1&2
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Text I Christmas What do you know about Christmas? Christmas Christmas tree Christmas card Christmas books Nicholas SAINT
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Alexander graham bell an inspired black-haired scotsman of twenty eight, on the eve of marriage, vibrant and alive to new ideas Alexander Graham bell. The Man who invented the Telephone A| xander graham be‖l 1847to1922
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abUs公共汽车站旁的候车棚 a bomb~防空洞 A·seek- for the night找个过夜的地方 In the storm we took (found)- under a tree The basic necessities of life are food Clothing and
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Teaching Outline Pre -reading- Questions Famous Quotations of Study Passage Analysis A spelling word derivation language points useful expression
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Teaching Outline Background information Pre-reading questions Passage analysis Style and structure Spellings Word derivations Language points Useful expressions Weekly quiz
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Pre-reading Questions 1. What does the\Green revolution refer to? 2. Why did various writers predict that there would be widespread famine? 3. Name some countries with serious food shortages 4. What is \miracle rice?
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Questions on the text Did people have to attend on machines hundreds of years ago? What happened to industry about a hundred years ago? What is the operation of automatic machines based on?
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