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交易媒介( medium of exchange) 货币的基本职能,提高商品和劳务的交换效率
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8.1 通货膨胀 8.2 通货紧缩
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2. Money plays a key role in the performance of the economy. The amount of money in the economy should not be too little or too much, but just“right?
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5. 1 The Government Bond Market 5.1.1 when the government runs a deficit, it has to get the funds. There are three ways for the government to get funds
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Monetary Theory is the theory which is about the economic influences of money
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8.1 Definition of Monetary Policy Government policy concerning money and credit conditions, especially the rate of growth in the money supply and the level of interest rates
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7.1.1 reasons of the production of central bank to unite the currency clearing the lender of last resort financial supervision
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第一章货 第二章信用 第三章金融体系与金融机构 第四章金融市场 第五章商业银行 第六章中央银行 第七章货币理论 第八章通货膨胀与通货紧缩 第九章金融与经济发展 第十章货币政策
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