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一、滤波器的图示及分析 二、等效结构 三、基本的FIR滤波器结构 四、基本的IIR滤波器结构 五、基本结构的MATLAB实现 六、全通滤波器 七、IIR和FIR的格型结构
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一、预备知识 二、双线性变换 三、低通IIR滤波器设计 四、高通、带通、带阻IIR数字滤波器设计 五、IIR滤波器的谱变换 六、基于加窗傅立叶级数的FIR滤波器设计 七、数字滤波器的计算机辅助设计 八、用Matlab进行数字滤波器设计
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一、傅立叶变换-离散时间傅立叶变换(Discrete-Time Fourier Transform,DTFT)(定义、收敛条件、性质)– 离散傅立叶变换(Discrete Fourier Transform,DFT)(定义、性质) 二、Z变换(定义、收敛条件、逆变换、性质)
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一、 数字系统的概念 按一定方式联系起来的一群事物所构成的总 体,称为系统。能够对数字信息进行传递,加工, 处理的电子设备,称为数字系统。 如果把数字系统比喻成一个人,那么数据处 理器就像人的手和脚,能够完成各种操作。但要 想完成一个复杂的工作必须由大脑协调控制;控 制器在数字系统中就起到了大脑的作用
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库 库是用来处理重复出现的内容。用户可以将信息收集在库中,使之成为库项目,当需 要这些信息时,直接插入库项目即可。 122.1创建库项目 在 Dreamweaver中,用户可以为网页中的任意元素创建库项目
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The dtft provides a frequency-domain representation of discrete-time signals and lti discrete-time systems Because of the convergence condition, in many cases. the dtft of a sequence may not exist as a result. it is not possible to make use of such frequency-domain characterization in these cases Copyright C 2001, S K. Mitra
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It is nearly impossible to design a linear￾phase IIR transfer function It is always possible to design an FIR transfer function with an exact linear-phase response Consider a causal FIR transfer function H(z) of length N+1, i.e., of order N:
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Later in the course we shall review various methods of designing frequency-selective filters satisfying prescribed specifications We now describe several low-order FIR and IIR digital filters with reasonable selective frequency responses that often are satisfactory in a number of applications
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The simple filters discussed so far are characterized either by a single passband and/or a single stopband There are applications where filters with multiple passbands and stopbands are required The comb filter is an example of such filters
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Stability Condition in Terms of the Pole Locations A causal LTI digital filter is BIBO stable if and only if its impulse response h[n] is absolutely summable, i.e., We now develop a stability condition in terms of the pole locations of the transfer function H(z)
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