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3. 1 The AE-NI Model 支出收入模型
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“对于大多数人而言学习与 研究宏观经济学问题并不是为 了设计和制定政策而是为了更 好地认识与了解宏观经济环境
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一、 货币政策 是指中央银行为实现其预期的宏观经济目标,运用 各种政策工具调节货币供应量和利率水平,进而影响宏观 经济运行状况的方针与措施的总和
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复旦大学:《货币银行学 Economics of Money and Banking》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)前言(何光辉)
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5. 1 The Government Bond Market 5.1.1 when the government runs a deficit, it has to get the funds. There are three ways for the government to get funds
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2. Money plays a key role in the performance of the economy. The amount of money in the economy should not be too little or too much, but just“right?
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8.1 通货膨胀 8.2 通货紧缩
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10.1 The Regulation of Markets and Institutions Financial system is one of most intensely regulated sectors of the U.S economy
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8.1 通货膨胀 8.2 通货紧缩
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金融学院:《货币银行学》PPT课件_第八章 习题
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