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一、问题的提出 从码间串扰的表示式可以看出,只要 anrl(k-n)T+t=0 n≠k 即可消除码间串扰
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一、低通信号的抽样 一个频带限制在(0,fHz内的时间连续信 号m(t),如果以T≤1/2f秒的间隔对它进行等间隔抽 样,则m()将被所得到的抽样值完全确定
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For the differential system characterized by its equations of state,specialization to invariance means that the system matrices A, B,C are constants
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一、DF按频率特性分类 可分为低通、高通、带通、带阻和全通, 其特点为: (1)频率变量以数字频率O表示,=QT, Ω为模拟角频率,T为抽样时间间隔; (2)以数字抽样频率0=2·T=2元为周期; (3)频率特性只限于≤/2=π范围,这是因为依取样定理,实际频率特性只能为抽样频率的一半
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Prof vander Velde Use error between early and late indicator to lock onto signal. Error is a linear function of shift, within the range (-T,T) Return to the 1 st example process and take the case where the change points are Poisson distributed
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National Income: Where t comes From and where丨 t Goes A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of. Jane Austen The most important macroeconomic variable is gross domestic product(GDP) As we have seen, GDP measures both a nations total output of goods and ser- vices and its total income. To appreciate the significance of GDP, one need only take a quick look at international data: compared with their poorer counterparts, nations with a high level of gDP per person have everything from better child-
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T细胞的抗原识别: 初始αBT细胞TCR与APC表面递呈的MHC-肽复合 物结合。 aT细胞识别抗原具有MHC限制性: CD4+aT细胞识别APC递呈的MHC1-肽复合物; D8+aT细胞识别APC递呈的MHC-肽复合物
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当fi(t),f2(t)为时限函 数时,如何借助图解来确定卷 积的有效积分限呢?
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9.1 Introduction Richard C. Dorf 9.2 Three-Phase Connections University of California, Davis 9.3 Wye Delta Transformations 9.1 Introduction Two very important two-ports are the T and II networks shown in Fig. 9.1. Because we encounter these two
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