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同济大学:《Matlab在机械设计中的应用》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Chapter 06 User-defined Functions
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Part 1: Fitting Curves to Data Part 2: Symbolic Mathematics Part 3: Calculus
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同济大学:《Matlab在机械设计中的应用》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Chapter 10 Graphical User Interface
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Mechanics of Composite Materials with MATLAB)00 Contents
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Mechanics of Composite Materials with MATLAB)02 Linear Elastic Stress-Strain Relations
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Mechanics of Composite Materials with MATLAB)04 Plane Stress
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Mechanics of Composite Materials with MATLAB)06 Elastic Constants Based on Global Coordinate System
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Mechanics of Composite Materials with MATLAB)08 Laminate Analysis – Part II
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Mechanics of Composite Materials with MATLAB)10 Failure Theories of a Lamina
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