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Digital Signal Processing • Signal & System • DSP system • Description for DSP FIR Filter Design & Implement • Digital Filter • Specification Design • Hardware Implementation Some Examples • Digital Down Converter • Central Processing Unit
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3.1 极大似然 3.2 隐变量 3.3 EM算法 3.4 混合高斯模型中的EM思想 3.5 论文举例
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3.1 Sparsity: Applications and Development 3.2 Sparsity Rendering Algorithms 3.3 EM 3.4 Variational Bayes 3.5 Sparse Signal Recovery: Performance PK 3.6 Other Applications for Bayes methods
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• 2.1 Introduction • 2.2 Polynomial Curve Fitting: A Toy • 2.3 Over-fitting • 2.4 Cross-Validation • 2.5 Regularization • 2.6 Linear Basis Function Models • 2.7 Least Squares Revisited • 2.8 Bayesian Linear Regression
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1.1 Wireless Channels 1.2 Single Antenna Channels 1.3 Multiple Antenna Channels 1.4 Introduction of Random Matrix
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为了让计算机处理各种数据,首先就应该把源数据输 入到计算机中;计算机处理结束后,再将目标数据信息 以人能够识别的方式输出。C语言中的输入输出操作,是 由C语言编译系统提供的库函数来实现。 3.1格式化输出 printf函数 3.2格式化输入0函数 3.3单个字符输getchar入输出和 putchar函数 3.4顺序结构程序设计 良好的源程序书写风格——顺序程序段左对齐
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Introduction Ideally, the system parameters along with the signal variables have infinite precision taking any value between -oo and · In practice, they can take only discrete values within a specified range since the registers of the digital machine where they are stored are of finite length
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Objective-Determination- of realizable transfer function G() approximating a given frequency response specification is an important step in the development of a digital filter If an IIR filter is desired, G() should be a stable real rational function Digital filter design is the process of deriving the transfer function G
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1.相关测试仪器的熟练使用 2.边沿、脉宽等触发类型的使用 3.触发释抑功能的使用 4.预触发与延迟触发功能的使用 5.脉冲参数的测量 6.获取模式(标准、峰值、平均、高分辨率)的使用 7.触发方式(自动、正常、单次)的使用 8.带宽的测量
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