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Two circuits are dual if the mesh equations that characterize one of them have the same mathematical form as nodal equations that characterize the other
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The displacement current flowing internally between the capacitor plates is exactly equal to the conduction current flowing in the capacitor leads
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A current-carrying conductor produced a magnetic field (1800). A changing magnetic field could induce a voltage in a neighboring circuit(1820)
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Let=R3 and The result we have found for two /R =k, we have inputs may be extended to any v2=-k(v1+3) number of inputs
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一、数控系统主要部件 数控控制器 伺服(主轴)放大器、电机(反馈) I/O装置 机床
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The voltage follower is a circuit in which the output is identical to the input
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3.1 电容式传感器的原理与结构 3.2 电容式传感器的测量电路 3.3 电容式传感器的应用
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华中科技大学:《模拟电子技术》教学资源(一)6.1 集成运算放大器——恒流源电路
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• 直流偏置电路 • 静态工作点 • FET小信号模型 • 动态指标分析 • 三种基本放大电路的性能比较 4.4.1 FET的直流偏置及静态分析 4.4.2 FET放大电路的小信号模型分析法
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华中科技大学:《模拟电子技术》教学资源(一)4.2 场效应管放大电路——砷化镓金属-半导体场效应管
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