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In motorships the oil, after passing through main and motion bearings and oil-cooled pistons, etc., is either retained in the bedplate or flows by gravity to a sump tank. In either case, the oil pumps, which may be self￾priming, submerged centrifugal or rotary positive displacement, draw the oil through magnetic strainers and discharge to: filters - oil coolers - engine lubricating and/or cooling manifolds
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Food quality, including colour, texture, flavour and nutritional value, is of key importance in the context of food preservation and processing. Colour, texture and flavour refer to consumption quality, purchase and product acceptability whereas the nutritive values (i.e. vitamin content, nutrients, minerals, health￾related food components) refer to hidden quality aspects. In conventional thermal processing, process optimisation consists of reducing the severity of the thermal process in terms of food quality destruction without compromising food safety
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Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) may be defined as ‘the enclosure of food products in gas-barrier materials, in which the gaseous environment has been changed’ (Young et al, 1988). Because of its substantial shelf-life extending effect, MAP has been one of the most significant and innovative growth areas in retail food packaging over the past two decades. The potential advantages and disadvantages of MAP have been presented by both Farber (1991) and Parry (1993), and summarised by Davies (1995) in Table 16.1
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一、自旋偶合与自旋裂分 spin coupling and spin splitting 二、峰裂分数与峰面积 number of pear splitting and pear areas 三、磁等同与磁不等同 magnetically equivalent and 第三节 nonequivalent 自旋偶合与自旋裂分 nuclear magnetic
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7.1 Introduction Both food processors and consumers have a basic need for valid and relevant nutritional information; on the one hand to guide production and marketing of genuinely functional products, and on the other to allow selection of products according to efficacy
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外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语五年级下册Module 5 Unit 1 It's big and light.Module 5 Unit 1 It's big and light.教案(5)
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4.1 Introduction Minerals are the inorganic elements, other than carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, which remain behind in the ash when food is incinerated. They are usually divided into two groups – macrominerals and microminerals (or trace elements). The terms are historical in origin and originated at a time when the development of analytical equipment was still in its infancy and ‘trace’ was used to refer to components whose presence could be detected, but not quantified. Modern analytical equipment that allows determination of elements
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1. Which of the following processes must violate the first law of thermodynamics?(There may be more than one answer!) ()W>0, 0, (C)W>0, 0, and AEint0,g>0,andEint<0
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25.1 Introduction 25.2 Oligosaccharides are added to proteins in the ER and Golgi 25.3 The Golgi stacks are polarized 25.4 Coated vesicles transport both exported and imported proteins 25.5 Different types of coated vesicles exist in each pathway 25.6 Cisternal progression occurs more slowly than vesicle movement 25.7 Vesicles can bud and fuse with membranes 25.8 SNAREs control targeting 25.9 The synapse is a model system for exocytosis 25.10 Protein localization depends on specific signals 25.11 ER proteins are retrieved from the Golgi 25.12 Brefeldin A reveals retrograde transport 25.13 Receptors recycle via endocytosis 25.14 Internalization signals are short and contain tyrosine
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TWo fundamentally different types of cells exist. Procaryotic cells have a much simpler morphology than eucaryotic cells and lack a true membrane-delimited nucleus. All bacteria are procaryotic. In contrast, eucaryotic have a membrane enclosed nucleus; they are more complex morphologically and are usually larger than prokaryotes. Algae, fungi, protozoa higher plants, and animals are eucaryotic Procaryotic and eucaryotic cells differ in many other ways as well
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