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1.熟练掌握组合体的形体分析法,了解成面分析法; 2.掌握组合体的画图,读图和尺寸标注 3.具备用形体分析法绘图,识读组合体的三视图及标注尺寸的能力
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一、了解居住区绿地设计的基本知识 二、熟悉居住区的用地构成和绿地类型 三、掌握居住区绿地规划设计的原则 四、能进行居住区各类绿地的规划设计
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元线性回归分析估计两个变量的关 系 其中一个变量作为响应变量或输出变量 (y)o 另一个变量作为预测变量或解释变量 有时两个变量中哪一个是响应变量(例 如高度和重量)是不好区分的。在这种 情况下,可能会使用相关分析
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一、信号的描述 二、信号的特点(模拟 三、信号的能量、大小及功率 四、典型信号的数学描述
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一、判断下列说法是否正确,用“√”或“”表示判断结果。 (1)在图T8.1所示方框图中,若中F180°,则只有当中A=±180°时,电路才能产生正弦波振荡。()
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Table of contents PARTO- PRELUDE: REVIEW OF \UNIFIED ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS\ 0.1 What it's all about 0. 2 Definitions and fundamentals ideas of thermodynamics 0.3 Review of thermodynamics concepts
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a B: The second Law of Thermodynamics [AW 42-50: VN Chapter 5; VwB&S-6.3, 6.4, Chapter 7 1. B. Concept and statements of the Second law why do we need a second law?) The unrestrained expansion, or the temperature equilibration of the two bricks, are familiar
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PARTO- PRELUDE: REVIEW OF UNIFIED ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS [AW pp 2-22, 32-41(see IAW for detailed SB&vw references): VN Chapter 1] 0.1 What it's all about The focus of thermodynamics in 16.050 is on the production of work, often in the form of kinetic energy(for example in the exhaust of a jet engine)or shaft power
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PART 2- POWER AND PROPULSION CYCLE 2A -Gas Power and propulsion cycles SB&vW-118,119,11.10,11.11,11.12,1113,11.14] In this section we analyze several gas cycles used in practical applications for propulsion and power generation, using the air standard cycle. The air standard cycle is an the actual cycle behavior, and the term specifically refers to analysis using the folpproximation to assumptions
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