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Introduction(Growth versus Development) .Sustainable Development(SD) -an ambiguous term, composing of words that are contradictory to each other Sustainable\ -call for ecological and social transformation, a world of healthy environments and social justice .\Development\
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Country parks: origin and function Country park planning and management Ecotourism: origin and definitions Ecotourism potentials in HK Constraints and limitations Introduction Ecotourism is an off-shoot of tourism Tourism is the temporary movement away from immediate home/communities and daily work environments for
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Lecture 4 Sustainable Development The concept of Resource Hunker(1964) pointed out that a resource can no longer be conceived as a tangible object; but a functional relationship that exists between man's wants
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History of Agricultural Development Food Gathering Domestication of Crops Organic Farming Transgenic Farming since Green Revolution) High inputs of energy subsidies including fertilizers, pesticides, fossil fuels, mechanization, irrigation advanced technology High outputs at the expense of environmental integrity Contamination of ground water surface water by agrochemicals sediments Hazards to human and animal health(e.g. residual effect of methamidophos in vegetables, Agent orange in Vietnam, cross-Atlantic DDT contamination Loss of genetic diversity in plants and animals
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What is wetland? Areas where water covers the soil Link between water and land water saturation in soil Most fertile and productive ecosystems support both aquatic and terrestrial species tound in every continents except the Antartica Wetland classification Physical hydrological
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Globalization defined 1. The manifestations of globalization include the spatial reorganization of production, the interpenetration of industries across borders, the spread of financial markets, the diffusion of identical consumer goods to distant countries, massive transfers of population within the South as well as from the South and the East to the West, resultant conflicts between immigrant and established communities in formerly tight-knit neighborhoods, and an emerging worldwide
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一、认识随机系统 1 举例,p.13-14 2 要点:随机系统的关键在于输出的不可预知性,但对输出的范围是清楚的。因此给出样本空间是关键 3 认识样本空间
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一、求职择业的几个误区 多干几种不同类型的工作,可以证明我工作适应性广,能力强,因此利于找到更好的工作。 我通过不断地调换公司,来获得较快的薪水增加。 哪家公司的待遇好,我就去哪里。 哪家公司能送我出国培训,我就去哪家公司工作
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一、原生动物门的主要特征 1、原生动物是动物界最原始、最低等、最微小、最 简单的单细胞动物。 绝大多数的原生动物是显微镜下的小型动物,最小的种 类体长仅有2—3um,例如寄生于人及脊椎动物网状内皮 系统细胞内的利什曼原虫(Leishmania),大型的种类 体长可达7cm,例如海产的某些有孔虫类
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韩国保留着三栏进口关税制度,即一般税率临时税率和关贸总协定税率,也 有分开的优惠关税税率,是通过与发展中国家贸易协议建立的。关税税率使用秩序 是优惠的,关贸总协定,临时的和一般关税税率。当货物有上述多种税率可以使用 时,使用最低关税税率。 海关关税具有弹性。允许调节到100%除基本税率外)税率,主要是针对最近 放宽的一些物品
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