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Objective 1 Definition types and mechanism of osteoporosis 2 Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis 3 Etiology and epidemiology of osteoporosis
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一、教学目的(掌握、熟悉、了解的具体内容等) 教学目的-Objective (一)熟悉骨质疏松症的概念、分型及发病机制。 (二)掌握骨质疏松症的诊断、防治及药物治疗。 (三)了解骨质疏松症的流行病学与病因学
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概述(introduction): Factors cause diseases chemicals physical biologicalpsychological chemicals: occupational, non- occupational. physical: occupational, non- occupational
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1.掌握急、慢性再生障碍性贫血的临床表现、血液和骨髓检查特点。诊断依据和鉴别诊断。国外分类与国内分类关系。 2.熟悉发病原因,治疗方法。 3.了解发病情况,发病机理、病理改变及预后
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1.掌握淋巴瘤常见的临床表现及诊断依据 2.掌握临床淋巴瘤的分期、分组 3.熟悉淋巴瘤的治疗原则 4.了解淋巴瘤的病因、发病机理和病理分类
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1.掌握缺铁性贫血的实验室检查、诊断方法和治疗方法。 2.熟悉铁代谢及缺铁的原因,临床表现及小细胞低色素贫血的鉴别诊断。 3.了解发病情况。预防措施
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Diagnosis of cardiac and respiratory arrest raditional methods 1.Carotid pulse check by lay rescuers 2. Loss of consciousness 3. Pupil dilation 4. Respiratory arrest
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HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA (reduced RBC life span) Anemia of increased destruction cNormochromic, normochromic anemia Shortened RBC survival cRReticulocytosis--Response to increased rBC destruction caIncreased indirect bilirubin cRIncreased LDH
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Introduction Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition involving a variety of cells including eosinophils, mast cells, T lymphocytes, neutrophils, and epithelial cells of the airway, as well as cellular elements, which gives rise to the increase of airway hyper-reactivity. Extensive changeable and reversible ventilatior restriction is common and can cause recurrent tachypnea, feeling of out of breath, and coughing. The symptoms are more
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Classification Prerenal ARF Intrinsic renal ARF Postrenal ARF
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