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production of plasma cells and memory B cells can be divided into three broad stages: generation of mature, immunocompetent B cells(maturation), activa- Initial Contact between b and T cells tion of mature B cells when they interact with antigen, and differentiation of activated B cells into plasma cells and memory B cells. In many vertebrates, ng humans B-Cell maturation and mice, the bone marrow generates B cells. This process
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一、肠杆菌科 共同特性: 1.形态结构:革兰阴性杆菌,多数有周鞭毛和菌 毛。 2.培养特性与生化反应: (1)对营养要求不高 (2)需氧或兼性厌氧 (3)生化反应活泼 3.抗原构造复杂
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一、微生物疾病的诊断  病症观察  显微镜检查  生物化学检验  微生物培养  免疫学技术  分子生物学方法 二、微生物疾病的治疗 三、微生物疾病的预防
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recognition by most T cells from recognition by B iction. In most cases, both th maturati vation of ma the involver diversity o CD4\ and CD class I MHC Activat Engagement of TcR by Peptide: MHC Initiates interaction of th n antigenic Signal Transduction tide displayed though the sp
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the B-cell rec and diffict Interaction of aB TCR with Class II MHC-Peptide Early Studies of the T-Cell Receptor complex cel aB and yo T-Cell Receptors: Structure and Roles ficity. Sec Organization and Rearrangement of TCR Genes gen alone by the major histo T-Cell Receptor Complex: TCR-CD3 erty precludes pur
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possesses a tightly linked cluster of genes. the ma jor products play roles in intercellular recognition and in dis on of vesicular Stomatitis Virus Peptide (top) Class I Molecule H-2K General Organization and Inheritance of the MHC MHC Molecules and Genes that Detailed Genomic Map of MHC Genes Cellular Distribution of MHC Molecules antigens of Regulation of MHC Expression implicated MHC and Immune Responsiveness natural killer
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lecular association similar to an enzyme-substrate interaction, with an important distinction: it does not lead to an irreversible chemical alteration in either the antibody or the antigen. The association between an anti Fluorescent Antibody Staining Reveals Intracellular body and an antigen involves various noncovalent interac- tions between the antigenic determinant, or epitope, of the ntigen and the variable-region(vH/Vi) domain of the an- a Strength of Antigen-Antibody Interactions tibody molecule, particularly the hypervariable regions
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Kappa Light-Chain Gene Rearrangement the vertebrate immune system is its ability to respond to an apparently limitless array of for eign antigens As immunoglobulin(Ig)sequence data accu- a Genetic Model Compatible with Ig Structure mulated, virtually every antibody molecule studied was found to contain a unique amino acid sequence in its vari a Multigene Organization
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一、概述 二、自身免疫病的病理损伤机制 三、自身免疫病的遗传和环境因素 四、常见自身免疫病举例 五、自身免疫性疾病的防治原则
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一、细菌的分布 (一)细菌在自然界的分布 1.土壤(最多) (1)分布:距地面10~20cm的土壤中最多。 (2)与人类的关系
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