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The effective value of any periodic current is equal to the value of the direct current which flowing through a resistance R, delivers the same power to r as periodic current does
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The complete response of any RC circuit may also be obtained as the sum of the natural and the forced response
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Two circuits are dual if the mesh equations that characterize one of them have the same mathematical form as nodal equations that characterize the other
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We select one node as a reference node and then define a voltage between each remaining node and the reference node
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Single equation regression models: -The dependent variable, Y, is expressed as a linear function of one or more explanatory variables, the Xs. Assumption the cause-and-effect relationship, if any, between Y and the Xs is unidirectional: explanatory variables are the cause; the dependent variable is the effect
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6.1 An Introduction to Enzymes 191 H20 in the presence of oxygen is a highly exergonic 6.2 How Enzymes Work 193 process, releasing free energy that we can use to think an I 6.3 Enzyme Kinetics as an Approach to Understanding main on the shelf for years without any obvious con-
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Working on a vacuum manifold: See LLP chapter 9.2 for an excellent discussion on working with air-sensitive reagents, including how to use a two-way manifold. De-gassing solvents: The best way to remove water and oxygen from a solvent is to distill it over an appropriate drying agent (such as sodium). This can sometimes be a lengthy (and dangerous)task. Since we
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1, Public finance,also known as public sector economics or public economics, focuses on the taxing and spending activities of government and their influence on the allocation of resources and distribution of income. 财政学,即公共经济学,焦点是税收和政府支出以及它们在分配资源和分配收入上的影响
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Public Finance Defined Public finance is about the taxing and spending activities of the government. Also known as \public sector economics\or \public economics.\ Focus is on microeconomic functions of government- polices that affect overall unemployment or price levels are left for macroeconomics
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A pendulum is a rigid body suspended from a fixed point (hinge) which is offset with respect to the body's center of mass. If all the mass is assumed to be concentrated at a point, we obtain the idealized simple pendulum. Pendulums have played an important role in the history of dynamics. Galileo identified the pendulum as the first example of synchronous motion, which led to the first successful clock developed
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