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Market Portfolio-Portfolio of all assets in the economy. In practice a broad stock marke index, such as the S&P Composite, is used to represent the market. Beta- Sensitivity of a stock's return to the return on the market portfolio
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Like all other foods of plant or animal origin, milk contains several indigenous enzymes which are constituents of the milk as secreted. The principal constituents of milk (lactose, lipids and proteins) can be modified by exogenous enzymes, added to induce specific changes. Exogenous en- zymes may also be used to analyse for certain constituents in milk. In addition, milk and most dairy products
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Vitamins are organic chemicals required by the body in trace amounts but which cannot be synthesized by the body. The vitamins required for growth and maintenance of health differ between species; compounds regarded as vitamins for one species may be synthesized at adequate rates by other species. For example, only primates and the guinea-pig require ascorbic acid (vitamin C; section 6.4) from their diet; other species possess the enzyme gluconolactone oxidase which is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin C from D-glucose or D-galactose
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Problem set 2 Solutions Due: Monday, February 14 at 9 PM Problem 1. Use induction to prove that n/n for alln olution. The proof is by induction on n. Let P(n) be the proposition that the equation Base case. P(2 )is true because Inductive step. Assume P(n)is true. Then we can prove P(n +1)is also true as follows
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Guessing a particular solution. Recall that a general linear recurrence has the form: f(n)=a1f(n-1)+a2f(n-2)+…+aaf(n-d)+g(n) As explained in lecture, one step in solving this recurrence is finding a particular solu- tion; i.e., a function f(n)that satisfies the recurrence, but may not be consistent with the boundary conditions. Here's a recipe to help you guess a particular solution:
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Introduction to Probability Probability is the last topic in this course and perhaps the most important. Many Igorithms rely on randomization. Investigating their correctness and performance re- quires probability theory. Moreover, many aspects of computer systems, such as memory
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1 Strong Induction Recall the principle of strong induction: Principle of Strong Induction. Let(n) be a predicate. If ·P() is true,and for all n, P(O)A P(1)...A P(n) implies P(n+1), then P() is true for all n E N. As an example, let's derive the fundamental theorem of arithmetic
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Diffusion: Read Plummer Chap. 7, sections 7.1-7.4,, 7.53, 7.5.8 Show that c(zt) Wroexpfzla)I,with a=2VDf, is a solution to Fick's second law of diffusion. ac(z, t) dc(zt) 2. a) What is the intrinsic carrier concentration in Si at 1100 C? b) Calculate the effective diffusivity (including first-order, charged-vacancy corrections)for As impurities in Si at 1100 C for two cases: 1)CAs=10 cm and ii)
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I. Plot resolution and depth of field as a function of exposure wavelength for a projection aligner with 100nm< A <500nm. Assume NA=0.26. Recalculate on the same plot for NA=0.41. Discuss the implication of these plots for the technologist that must manufacture transistors with 0.5 um
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Write a compact sentence that describes the molecular origin of gas pressure, including its temperature and mass dependence. [51 A: P is due to change in momentum Ap = m Av of molecules striking a surface velocity Increases as VTm
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