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Define定义 Vertigo is defined as a hallucination幻觉of movement. This may be a sensation of turning, spinning, falling rocking, etc Dizziness, although commonly used by the patient as a term to describe the above sensations refers to less severe and
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1. Get students to master the following words and phrases consist, contain, distribute, inform, intend, publish, range, lend typical, weekly, a number of, as well as, be devoted to, consist of, enter into, keep up with, listen to
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Detailed study of the text 1. The idea of helping people comes naturally to most of As might be expected, most of us are willing to help others. Most of us will naturally think of helping others Come to sb. :(an idea) to enter someone's mind
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Words accompany, attractive, crazy, influence, I communication create instrument, mostly, perform, popular, similar, I entertain, export, festival symbol musical, occasion, religion religious. remind Phrases be similar to, go back to, grow up, have all over, bring together,go influence on, not only . but also
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1. If you had come earlier, you the famous scientist a could be met b. might meet c would have met d. would meet
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1. for the people is a glorious death. a. To die b.Dead c. To be died d. Being died
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Why study econometrics? Rare in economics(and many other areas without labs! ) to have experimental data Need to use nonexperimental. or observational data to make inferences eImportant to be able to apply economic theory to real world data Economics 20- Prof. Anderson
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Testing for AR(IS eria Correlation Want to be able to test for whether the errors are serially correlated or not Want to test the null thatp=0 in u,=pu, 1 +et=2.. where u is the model error
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Consistency e Under the Gauss-Markov assumptionS OLS IS BLUE, but in other cases it wont always be possible to find unbiased estimators o In those cases, we may settle for estimators that are consistent, meaning as n→>∞,the distribution of the estimator collapses to the parameter value Economics 20- Prof anderson
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3.064Quiz10/10/03 Sample questions 1. What is the glass transition temperature of a polymer How can it be measured? What molecular characteristics determine its value Illustrate by giving the chemical structure and Tg for polyethylene polyvinyl chloride and polystyrene
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