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《英语泛读教程》Unit 10 The Credibility Principle?

Unit 10 The Credibility Principle? I Objective Understanding what "credibility" is in all kinds of social life Understanding why credibility principle should be followed and cherished Reading skill: Reading advertisement Ⅱ Time Arrangement

Unit 10 The Credibility Principle? I Objective Understanding what "credibility" is in all kinds of social life Understanding why credibility principle should be followed and cherished Reading skill: Reading advertisement Ⅱ Time Arrangement O Text:2 hours (0 Discussion :0.5 hour O Reading Skill: 1 hour Ⅲ Related information 豪 About“ Honesty and Credibility

Unit 10 The Credibility Principle? Ⅰ Objective Understanding what “credibility” is in all kinds of social life. Understanding why credibility principle should be followed and cherished. Reading Skill: Reading Advertisement Ⅱ Time Arrangement  Text: 2 hours  Discussion: 0.5 hour  Reading Skill: 1 hour Ⅲ Related Information  About “Honesty and Credibility

The goods sold by a succes sful corporation are not only the products themsel ves but also the invisible business culture. For a corporation to get success for a short time it merely depends on the good quality of the products; to succeed for a medium period, the marketing strategy is indispensable; with a better managing program, it will prolong its life. But if the corporation wants to live everlasting, it must establish a sound business culture as its root. Although each corporation differs in business culture, fundamental to this is "Honesty&Credibility". In another word, "Honesty&Credibility" is the core of each business The Chinese "3.15"-Consumers' Day propagates: honesty and credibility which has long been the soul of east civilization. The thought f "Honesty&Credibility" is of long standing. China is a civilized ancient east asian country. its dominant morality emphasizes lonesty&Credibility", the honesty between men and men, corporation and corporation, corporation and customer: between government and people, government and government. If one lost "Honesty&Credibility",one would lose relatives and friendship, even result in conflicts and hatred or moreover, the war Market economy of its essence is not only a fair competitive economy but also a legal economy, even a credit economy. So when credit crisis of market economy hampers the development of our economy, especially after we entered Wto that we have to compete in the international market, improving market credit construction becomes an important task that we re facing ◆ What is“ Honesty& Credibility"” in business As a type of business culture, honesty means sincerity. Credibility comes form honesty and reliability. Honesty and credibility mean that you should realize your commi tment and your promise. What you said should in accordance with how you acted Why is there no credibility? f The Weakness of System e The Stimulation of Profits

The goods sold by a successful corporation are not only the products themselves, but also the invisible business culture. For a corporation, to get success for a short time, it merely depends on the good quality of the products; to succeed for a medium period, the marketing strategy is indispensable; with a better managing program, it will prolong its life. But if the corporation wants to live everlasting, it must establish a sound business culture as its root. Although each corporation differs in business culture, fundamental to this is “Honesty&Credibility”. In another word, “Honesty&Credibility” is the core of each business culture. The Chinese “3.15”—Consumers’ Day propagates: honesty and credibility which has long been the soul of east civilization. The thought of “Honesty&Credibility” is of long standing. China is a civilized ancient East Asian country. Its dominant morality emphasizes “Honesty&Credibility”, the honesty between men and men, corporation and corporation, corporation and customer; between government and people, government and government. If one lost “Honesty&Credibility”, one would lose relatives and friendship, even result in conflicts and hatred, or moreover, the war. Market economy of its essence is not only a fair competitive economy, but also a legal economy, even a credit economy. So when credit crisis of market economy hampers the development of our economy, especially after we entered WTO that we have to compete in the international market, improving market credit construction becomes an important task that we’re facing. ◆ What Is “Honesty&Credibility” in Business As a type of business culture, honesty means sincerity. Credibility comes form honesty and reliability. Honesty and credibility mean that you should realize your commitment and your promise. What you said should in accordance with how you acted. ◆ Why is there no credibility?  The Weakness of System  The Stimulation of Profits

f The Lacking of Moral educati P The Loose of Supervision and monitoring To sum up, business culture is an indispensable core and soul of an enterprise. Though business culture differs from each corporation, Honesty&Credibility" is the fundamental one which cannot be ignored Since"Honesty Credibility" plays an important role in contemporary world and is inevitable for doing business, every businessman should obey it. However in our country, it s rather weak in this aspect compared with other deve loped countries in the world, we still have a lot work to do Faced with the existing predicament where dishonest companies, people and behaviors are in abundance, which badly influenced the development of our country. We cannot just owe it to the immature of the system, on the other hand, we should enhance our awareness of the importance of Honesty&Credibility" and try to explore some efficient ways to improve t. Furthermore, an honest and credible business atmosphere will improve the economic system in turn. Therefore, this dissertation is recommended to do our best to build up a sound credit system, such as in some developed countries where they have personal or enterprise business credit system. We also should create a credible environment to decrease the immoral behaviors and dishonest organizations and improve moral education in order to facilitate the flows of funds, and to increase the transparency of the flows of funds among the nations and markets, thus keeping a stabl economic deve lopment and allowing the achievements of investment and international trade to benefit all nations as well as individuals Bibliography [1] Arthur Ciancutti Thomas L. Steding, 2003, Built on Trust McGraw-Hill education co. and posts Telecommunications Press [2] Huo Yongzhe, 8 Jan 2003, Experts Call for Open, Sound Credit Mechanism Chinadaily, 5 [3] Hong Yi, 20 Nov. 2002, Restoring Business Credibility, Chinadaily, 4 [4] Liang Chaorong, With no honesty and credibility, one would be like sailingtheseaonaraftUrl:http://www.huaweilearningcom[9 Feb.2004]

 The Lacking of Moral Education  The Loose of Supervision and Monitoring To sum up, business culture is an indispensable core and soul of an enterprise. Though business culture differs from each corporation, “Honesty&Credibility” is the fundamental one which cannot be ignored. Since “Honesty & Credibility” plays an important role in contemporary world and is inevitable for doing business, every businessman should obey it. However in our country, it’s rather weak in this aspect compared with other developed countries in the world, we still have a lot work to do. Faced with the existing predicament where dishonest companies, people and behaviors are in abundance, which badly influenced the development of our country. We cannot just owe it to the immature of the system, on the other hand, we should enhance our awareness of the importance of “Honesty&Credibility” and try to explore some efficient ways to improve it. Furthermore, an honest and credible business atmosphere will improve the economic system in turn. Therefore, this dissertation is recommended to do our best to build up a sound credit system, such as in some developed countries where they have personal or enterprise business credit system. We also should create a credible environment to decrease the immoral behaviors and dishonest organizations and improve moral education in order to facilitate the flows of funds, and to increase the transparency of the flows of funds among the nations and markets, thus keeping a stable economic development and allowing the achievements of investment and international trade to benefit all nations as well as individuals. Bibliography [1] Arthur Ciancutti & Thomas L. Steding, 2003, Built on Trust, McGraw-Hill Education Co. and Posts & Telecommunications Press [2] Huo Yongzhe, 8 Jan.2003, Experts Call for Open, Sound Credit Mechanism, Chinadaily, 5 [3] Hong Yi, 20 Nov. 2002 , Restoring Business Credibility, Chinadaily, 4 [4] Liang Chaorong, With no honesty and credibility, one would be like sailing the sea on a raft, URL: http://www.huawei.learning.com [9 Feb.2004]

[5] Liu Weifeng, 21 Feb. 2003, Guangzhou services poll nets mixed views, Chinadaily, 8 [6] Xiao Guo, 9 Mar. 2004, Jiangyin Aware of Investors' needs, Chinadaily 6 [7 Xinhua, 6 Nov 2003, Wu Yi on Equality, Credibility, Cooperation and Development, Chinadaily, 5-6 [8]李宗红朱洙.企业文化一胜敌与无形.第一版.北京.中国纺织出版社 2002 [9]申望.企业文化实务与成功案例.第一版.北京.民主与建设出版社 2003 [10]宋联可.包晓闻.中国企业核心竞争力企业文化.第一版.北京.经 济科学出版社.2003. [11]王清张云初.企业圣经(第一集).上海.海天出版社.2003. [12]王学勤.“诚信”辨析.前线杂志.2004-2.58-59 [13]吴振坤.健全社会信用体系是治本之策.经济前沿杂志.2004-1.46-48 [14]许启贤.诚信的得与失.前线杂志.2004-2.60-61

[5] Liu Weifeng, 21 Feb. 2003, Guangzhou services poll nets mixed views, Chinadaily, 8 [6] Xiao Guo, 9 Mar. 2004, Jiangyin Aware of Investors' needs, Chinadaily, 6 [7] Xinhua, 6 Nov.2003, Wu Yi on Equality, Credibility, Cooperation and Development, Chinadaily, 5-6 [8] 李宗红 朱洙. 企业文化—胜敌与无形. 第一版. 北京. 中国纺织出版社. 2002. [9] 申望. 企业文化实务与成功案例. 第一版. 北京. 民主与建设出版社. 2003. [10] 宋联可. 包晓闻. 中国企业核心竞争力---企业文化. 第一版. 北京. 经 济科学出版社. 2003. [11] 王清 张云初. 企业圣经(第一集). 上海. 海天出版社. 2003. [12] 王学勤 .“诚信”辨析 .前线杂志. 2004-2. 58-59 [13] 吴振坤. 健全社会信用体系是治本之策. 经济前沿杂志. 2004-1. 46-48 [14] 许启贤. 诚信的得与失. 前线杂志. 2004-2.60-61



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