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《英语泛读教程》Unit5 It's Tough at the Top

Unit5 It's Tough at the Top I Objective Be aware of the meaning of human exploration and adventure Figuring out the true sense of this text Learning about Newspaper story Time arrangement Text:2 hours O Reading Skill: 1 hour Discussion o5 hour

Unit5 It's Tough at the Top I Objective Be aware of the meaning of human exploration and adventure Figuring out the true sense of this text Learning about Newspaper story Time arrangement Text:2 hours O Reading Skill: 1 hour Discussion o5 hour Ⅲ Related Information Preview Questions What’sthe Mount Everest has long been a great attraction to millions of people throughout the world. Many people have risked their lives in the course

Unit5 It’s Tough at the Top Ⅰ Objective Be aware of the meaning of human exploration and adventure Figuring out the true sense of this text Learning about Newspaper Story Ⅱ Time Arrangement  Text: 2 hours  Reading Skill: 1 hour  Discussion 0.5 hour Ⅲ Related Information ➢ Preview Questions  What’s the story mainly about? Mount Everest has long been a great attraction to millions of people throughout the world. Many people have risked their lives in the course

of expedition. Modern explorers are becoming more fascinated by the ultimate fate of earlier-doomed explorers. This text, actually tells four stories of exploration: early Mount Everest exploration and its present tract search; the Arctic-Pacific ocean passage exploration and its latter trace research &s Why did people explore? The accomplishment of such a feat will elevate the human spirit and will give man, especially us geographers, a feeling that we are acquiring a true mastery of our surroundings

of expedition. Modern explorers are becoming more fascinated by the ultimate fate of earlier-doomed explorers. This text, actually tells four stories of exploration: early Mount Everest exploration and its present tract search; the Arctic-Pacific ocean passage exploration and its latter trace research.  Why did people explore? The accomplishment of such a feat will elevate the human spirit and will give man, especially us geographers, a feeling that we are acquiring a true mastery of our surroundings

Ⅳ Emphasized Points Key Words 1. words on meaning of“ search” in text search; exploration; scour discover; expedition 2. phenomenal: extraordinary, unusual, spectacle. e.g.As a climber to know what Mallory did was phenomenal. 3. succumb to: die fr 4. piece together: assemble FIGure of Speech ◆ metaphor For Mallory this was the opportunity of a lifetime It was a challenge but that only increase its appeal, for he once said "To refuse the adventure is to run the risk of drying up like a pea in its shell ◆ simile

Ⅳ Emphasized Points Key Words 1. words on meaning of “search” in text: search; exploration; scour; discover; expedition 2. phenomenal: extraordinary, unusual, spectacle. e.g. “As a climber, to know what Mallory did was phenomenal.” 3. succumb to: die from 4. piece together: assemble Figure of Speech ◆ metaphor For Mallory this was the opportunity of a lifetime. It was a challenge, but that only increase its appeal, for he once said “To refuse the adventure is to run the risk of drying up like a pea in its shell”. ◆ simile

Before departing for the 1924 expedition Mallory had confided in a friend that it would be. "more of war than an adventure V Text Comprehension H! Structure Analysis How many clues are interwoven in the text? clue 1: Mallory and Irvine(climber 1) clue 2: Simson's team (climber 2) clue 3: Franklin's group (explorer 1) clue 4: Beattie the anthologist (explorer 2 What's their receptive goal? Did they achieve or not? GOAL AChIEVE Climber 1 to reach the summit of Moun. Everest Ne Climber 2 to discover whether climber 1 achieved their goal before they died Explorer 1 to find a new through

Before departing for the 1924 expedition Mallory had confided in a friend that it would be, “more of war than an adventure”. Ⅴ Text Comprehension  Structure Analysis ◆ How many clues are interwoven in the text? clue 1: Mallory and Irvine (climber 1) clue 2: Simson’s team (climber 2) clue 3: Franklin’s group (explorer 1) clue 4: Beattie the anthologist (explorer 2) ◆ What’s their receptive goal? Did they achieve or not? GOAL ACHIEVE ? Climber 1 to reach the summit of Moun.Everest No Climber 2 to discover whether Climber 1 achieved No their goal before they died. Explorer 1 to find a new passage through No

the arctic inte the pacific Explorer 2 to find out what happened to the i11-fated Northwest Passage diti Discussion Questions o Do you like exploring? Why? Shenzhou vi spaceship explored the outer space successfully and perfectly. What do you think of it? VI Reading Skill 豪 News st On the surface, defining news is a simple task. News is an account of what ing around us. It may involve current events, new initiatives or ongoing projects or issues. But a newspaper does not only print news of the day. It also prints background analysis, opinions, and human interest stories. The reporter chooses stories from the flood of information and events happening in the world and in their community. Stories are normally selected because of their importance, emotion impact, timeliness and interest o Identify what kind of a story it is Hard news (+/-600 words): This is how journalists refer to news of the day It is a chronicle of current events/incidents and is the most common news style on the front page of your typical newspaper

the Arctic into the Pacific Explorer 2 to find out what happened to the ill-fated Northwest Passage expedition Yes  Discussion Questions ◆ Do you like exploring? Why? ◆ Shenzhou VI spaceship explored the outer space successfully and perfectly. What do you think of it? Ⅵ Reading Skill News Story On the surface, defining news is a simple task. News is an account of what is happening around us. It may involve current events, new initiatives or ongoing projects or issues. But a newspaper does not only print news of the day. It also prints background analysis, opinions, and human interest stories. The reporter chooses stories from the flood of information and events happening in the world and in their community. Stories are normally selected because of their importance, emotion, impact, timeliness and interest. ◆ Identify what kind of a story it is Hard news (+/- 600 words): This is how journalists refer to news of the day. It is a chronicle of current events/incidents and is the most common news style on the front page of your typical newspaper

It starts with a summary lead. What happened? Where? When? To/by whom? Why?(The journalist's 5Ws). It must be kept brief and simple, because the purpose of the rest of the story will be to elaborate on this lead. Soft news(+/-600 words): This is a term for all the news that isn t time-sensitive. Soft news includes profiles of people, programs or organizations. As we discussed earlier, the lead"is more literary. Most of yPP's news content is soft news Feature(+/-1500 words): A news feature takes one step back from the headlines. It explores an issue. News features are less time-sensitive than hard news but no less newsworthy. They can be an effective way to write about complex issues too large for the terse style of a hard news item. Street kids are a perfect example. The stories of their individual lives are full of complexities which can be reflected in a longer piece Features are journalisms shopping center. Theyre full of interesting people, ideas, color lights, action and energy Storytelling at its height! a good feature is about the people in your community and their struggles, victories and defeats. A feature takes a certain angle (i.e. Black youth returning to church)and explores it by interviewing the people involved and drawing conclusions from that information. The writer takes an important issue of the day and explains it to the reader through comments from people involved in the story. Editorial: The editorial expresses an opinion. The editorial page of the newspaper lets the writer comment on issues in the news. All editorials are personal but the topics must still be relevant to the reader. Young Peoples Press publishes two types of editorials Youthbeat(/-700 words): Youthbeat's are YPP's editorial bread and butter. It's your story, from your point of view. Tell it like it is Youthbeats usually( but not always)combine personal experience(s)with

It starts with a summary lead. What happened? Where? When? To/by whom? Why? (The journalist's 5 W's). It must be kept brief and simple, because the purpose of the rest of the story will be to elaborate on this lead. Soft news (+/-600 words): This is a term for all the news that isn't time-sensitive. Soft news includes profiles of people, programs or organizations. As we discussed earlier, the "lead" is more literary. Most of YPP's news content is soft news. Feature (+/-1500 words): A news feature takes one step back from the headlines. It explores an issue. News features are less time-sensitive than hard news but no less newsworthy. They can be an effective way to write about complex issues too large for the terse style of a hard news item. Street kids are a perfect example. The stories of their individual lives are full of complexities which can be reflected in a longer piece. Features are journalism's shopping center. They're full of interesting people, ideas, color, lights, action and energy. Storytelling at its height! A good feature is about the people in your community and their struggles, victories and defeats. A feature takes a certain angle (i.e. Black youth returning to church) and explores it by interviewing the people involved and drawing conclusions from that information. The writer takes an important issue of the day and explains it to the reader through comments from people involved in the story. Editorial: The editorial expresses an opinion. The editorial page of the newspaper lets the writer comment on issues in the news. All editorials are personal but the topics must still be relevant to the reader. Young People's Press publishes two types of editorials: Youthbeat (+/- 700 words): Youthbeat's are YPP's editorial bread and butter. It's your story, from your point of view. Tell it like it is. Youthbeats usually (but not always) combine personal experience(s) with

opinion/analysis. Essentially, you establish your credibility by speaking from experience. My Word!(+/-600 words): An opinion piece. Short, sweet and to the point. Not as likely to be a personal narrative. Christmas "spirit" bugs you? Say why. Had an encounter with a cop that left you sour? Same deal. Be strong. If you dont like something, dont beat around the bush. this is a space for you to rant and roll with as much emotive power as possible. Structure for your article The structure of a news story (hard soft news&features)is simple a lead and the body One of the most important elements of news writing is the opening paragraph or two of the story Journalists refer to this as the "lead and its function is to summarize the story and/or to draw the reader in (depending on whether it is a hard"soft news story-See below for the difference between these two genres of news stories In a hard news story, the lead should be a full summary of what is to follow. It should incorporate as many of the 5"Ws of journalism (who, what, where, when and why) as possible.(e. g. Homeless youth marched down Yonge St. in downtown Toronto Wednesday afternoon demanding the municipal government provide emergency shelter during the winter months." -Can you identify the 5W'sin this lead?) In a soft news story the lead should present the sub ject of the story by allusion. This type of opening is somewhat literary. Like a novelist, the role of the writer is to grab the attention of the reader. (e. g. Until four years ago, Jason W. slept in alleyway s. " )Once the reader is drawn in, the 5Ws" should be incorporated into the body of the story, but not necessarily at the very top. The body

opinion/analysis. Essentially, you establish your credibility by speaking from experience. My Word! (+/-600 words): An opinion piece. Short, sweet and to the point. Not as likely to be a personal narrative. Christmas "spirit" bugs you? Say why. Had an encounter with a cop that left you sour? Same deal. Be strong. If you don't like something, don't beat around the bush. This is a space for you to rant and roll with as much emotive power as possible. ◆ Structure for your article The structure of a news story (hard & soft news & features) is simple: a lead and the body. The lead One of the most important elements of news writing is the opening paragraph or two of the story. Journalists refer to this as the "lead," and its function is to summarize the story and/or to draw the reader in (depending on whether it is a "hard" or "soft" news story—See below for the difference between these two genres of news stories). In a hard news story, the lead should be a full summary of what is to follow. It should incorporate as many of the 5 "W's" of journalism (who, what, where, when and why) as possible. (e.g. "Homeless youth marched down Yonge St. in downtown Toronto Wednesday afternoon demanding the municipal government provide emergency shelter during the winter months."—Can you identify the 5 W's in this lead?) In a soft news story, the lead should present the subject of the story by allusion. This type of opening is somewhat literary. Like a novelist, the role of the writer is to grab the attention of the reader. (e.g. "Until four years ago, Jason W. slept in alleyways...") Once the reader is drawn in, the 5 "W's" should be incorporated into the body of the story, but not necessarily at the very top. The body

The body of the story involves combining the opinions of the people you interview, some factual data, and a narrative which helps the story allowed to editorialize'(state your own opinion)in any Fap re not flow. A word of caution, however. In this style of writing, you

The body of the story involves combining the opinions of the people you interview, some factual data, and a narrative which helps the story flow. A word of caution, however. In this style of writing, you are not allowed to "editorialize" (state your own opinion) in any way

VI H 0 Finish the exercises behind the text. Q Find pieces of new story from English newspaper and analyze its style formation from the point of reading skill learned in this unit 0 Home reading: Visions on Ice

Ⅶ Homework  Finish the exercises behind the text.  Find pieces of new story from English newspaper and analyze its style, formation from the point of reading skill learned in this unit  Home reading: Visions on Ice



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