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《英语泛读教程》Unit 2 English Reserve and politeness

Unit 2 English Reserve and politeness I Objective Aware of the Characteristics of the English people A Figuring out general British personalities A Learning about headline Vocabulary Time arrangement Text:2 hours

Unit 2 English Reserve and politeness I Objective Aware of the Characteristics of the English people A Figuring out general British personalities A Learning about headline Vocabulary Time arrangement Text:2 hours O Reading Skill: 1 hour Representation: 0.5 hour Ⅲ Related Information General Knowledge on Great Britain Language The UK is where the English language developed. There are more people using English as their first language in the uK than in any other country except

Unit 2 English Reserve and Politeness Ⅰ Objective Aware of the Characteristics of the English people Figuring out general British personalities Learning about Headline Vocabulary Ⅱ Time Arrangement  Text: 2 hours  Reading Skill: 1 hour  Representation: 0.5 hour Ⅲ Related Information ➢ General Knowledge on Great Britain Language The UK is where the English language developed. There are more people using English as their first language in the UK than in any other country except

the US(the countries with the most English speakers are the US: 230 million. the uK: 60 million Canada: 20 million Australia: 15 million Ireland/New Zealand/South Africa: 3 million). British English is easil understood in many parts of the world. Many people like British accents although it can take some time for a foreigner to get used to some of the regional varieties. For details, see: English Heritage Britain has an interesting history and is good at preserving its traditions and old buildings and gardens. There are many museums and art galleries. Culture Note that there are good and bad sides to each characteristic, and there are many exceptions to these stereotypes. Diversi ty: There is a wide mix of cultures in the UK. In London there are foreign communities from most parts of the world. Tolerance: British people are usually tolerant to foreigners, and respect the freedom to have different opinions and beliefs. Freedom: People usually feel free to express their own opinions and wear what they want. Don' t expect people to agree with you all of the time. Humour: British people have a strong sense of humour, but it can be hard for foreigners to understand when someone is joking. Cautiousness: People often avoid talking to strangers until they have been introduced, partly to avoid any possible embarrassment. Creativity: Individual ideas are encouraged. Arts and music are creative. British people are often not so good at working as a group. Modesty People are quite modest. They do not like to complain directly life is peaceful, but when there is poor service it is not challenged and changed

the US (the countries with the most English speakers are the US: 230 million, the UK: 60 million, Canada: 20 million, Australia: 15 million, Ireland/New Zealand/South Africa: 3 million). British English is easily understood in many parts of the world. Many people like British accents, although it can take some time for a foreigner to get used to some of the regional varieties. For details, see: English. Heritage Britain has an interesting history and is good at preserving its traditions and old buildings and gardens. There are many museums and art galleries. Culture Note that there are good and bad sides to each characteristic, and there are many exceptions to these stereotypes. Diversity: There is a wide mix of cultures in the UK. In London there are foreign communities from most parts of the world. Tolerance: British people are usually tolerant to foreigners, and respect the freedom to have different opinions and beliefs. Freedom: People usually feel free to express their own opinions and wear what they want. Don't expect people to agree with you all of the time. Humour: British people have a strong sense of humour, but it can be hard for foreigners to understand when someone is joking. Cautiousness: People often avoid talking to strangers until they have been introduced, partly to avoid any possible embarrassment. Creativity: Individual ideas are encouraged. Arts and music are creative. British people are often not so good at working as a group. Modesty: People are quite modest. They do not like to complain directly: life is peaceful, but when there is poor service it is not challenged and changed

Ⅳ Emphasized Points Key Words 1. reserve: not social or communicative; shy, not talktive 2. sport smanship: rules are the essence of sport, and sportsmanship i the ability to practice sport in obedience to its rules, while also sity to ones opponent and good temper in defeat. Comments 1.“ never hit a man when he’ s down” never take advantage of another person's misfortune V Text Comprehension n Points of British Character Note: For the sake of simplicity i will use the word British, although we should not, as my fife keeps on telling me, forget that the Scottish, for example (yes she has Scots blood too)are an altogether different species. More immediately expressive direct and hot-tempered, for example, then the English and the Welsh. Scottish people may be more open to foreign countries and contacts because they have traditionally looked for contacts ◆ Reserve

Ⅳ Emphasized Points Key Words 1. reserve: not social or communicative; shy, not talktive. 2. sportsmanship: rules are the essence of sport, and sportsmanship is the ability to practice sport in obedience to its rules, while also showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat. Comments 1. “never hit a man when he’s down” never take advantage of another person’s misfortune. Ⅴ Text Comprehension  Points of British Character Note: For the sake of simplicity I will use the word "British", although we should not, as my fife keeps on telling me, forget that the Scottish, for example (yes she has Scots blood too) are an altogether different species. More immediately expressive, direct and hot-tempered, for example, then the English and the Welsh. Scottish people may be more open to foreign countries and contacts because they have traditionally looked for contacts. ◆ Reserve

British accumulate negative emotions and feelings and do not as a rule express their real feeling spontaneously. The British are not confident with their bodies most british mer dislike dancing, unless they have had a bit to drink. So conservative dress reflect this luck of body confidence Interpersonal Contacts are generally rather cool and formal. Handshakes are not so warm. British punctuality should connect with this formality but also with a kind of respect and consideration for other people that helps avoid embarrassing confrontations. The british should try to be a little more aggressive and outspoken, especially in Belgium where people consider being polite as a sign of weakness. Politeness British people are obliged by society stereotyping to be polite ◆ Humor humour may be more visual then verbal and more surreal onic.Russian Humour is very developed in britain. It' s very dry and ir Humour, however, may cover other feelings. I agree here with Sigmund Freud who said humour helps us to express things in a round about way. It' sa way of releasing repression and this is important for average ritish character Humour plays not only positive, but also negative role. Like being positive, it avoids confronting facts and issue directly. ◆ Sense of c1ass Not only English class system produces elite, middle and down classe and put attention where you was born, studied and who are your parents

British accumulate negative emotions and feelings and do not as a rule express their real feeling spontaneously. The British are not confident with their bodies, most British men dislike dancing, unless they have had a bit to drink. So conservative dress reflect this luck of body confidence. Interpersonal Contacts are generally rather cool and formal. Handshakes are not so warm. British punctuality should connect with this formality but also with a kind of respect and consideration for other people that helps avoid embarrassing confrontations. The British should try to be a little more aggressive and outspoken, especially in Belgium where people consider being polite as a sign of weakness. ◆ Politeness British people are obliged by society stereotyping to be polite ◆ Humor Humour is very developed in Britain. It's very dry and ironic. Russian humour may be more visual then verbal and more surreal Humour, however, may cover other feelings. I agree here with Sigmund Freud who said humour helps us to express things in a round about way. It's a way of releasing repression and this is important for average British character. Humour plays not only positive, but also negative role. Like being positive, it avoids confronting facts and issue directly. ◆ Sense of Class Not only English class system produces elite, middle and down classes and put attention where you was born, studied and who are your parents

British people should have a special system in their mind which lassify others according to social positions. If it is difficult for them to do this with non British) they become nervous and try to joke Also England is very classified society with many symbols, words and different behaviour patterns for each subclass in classes It stops mix between different people, energy, information and decreases level of development in society. It should be difficult to find good friends ◆ Sense of c1ass British paradigm includes rational and systematic framework. Before starting normally they have an optimism. Thinking based on precedent not a theory British are skeptical about big scheme (but created complicated social structure) and very proud in getting through difficult situation. When the British relax and let themselves go, they may be very talented artists-real artists, without pretence (a French tendency i think and with intense emotions. I found that Theatre is very good in Britain and theatre has a lot of cause to do with body movement. those who are good at it, get very good at it L! Comprehension Questions According to the British standard, what sort of behaviors are considered rude? What is your general impression of politeness in Britain?

British people should have a special system in their mind which classify others according to social positions. If it is difficult for them to do this (with non British) they become nervous and try to joke. Also England is very classified society with many symbols, words and different behaviour patterns for each subclass in classes. It stops mix between different people, energy, information and decreases level of development in society . It should be difficult to find good friends ◆ Sense of Class British paradigm includes rational and systematic framework. Before starting normally they have an optimism. Thinking based on precedent not a theory. British are skeptical about big scheme (but created complicated social structure) and very proud in getting through difficult situation. When the British relax and let themselves go, they may be very talented artists - real artists, without pretence (a French tendency, I think) and with intense emotions. I found that Theatre is very good in Britain, and theatre has a lot, of cause, to do with body movement. Those who are good at it, get very good at it.  Comprehension Questions  According to the British standard, what sort of behaviors are considered rude? What is your general impression of politeness in Britain?

V Reading Skill 豪 Headline Vocabulary Newspaper, along with reporting the news, instruct, entertain, and give opinions. A newspaper has separate sections: world news, national and local news, sports, business, entertainment, opinions, comics, classified ads. etc You can be a better reader if you know what to expect in a newspape For example, when you read a newspaper you usually look quickly at headlines first. Newspaper headline have a language of their own and it is necessary to learn about it. Another way to conserve space in headlines is to use short words instead of long ones. In the example below notice the various ways the headline writer can shorten the headline "MP criticises dishonest election plan” The Bangkok Post uses about one hundred easily-learned short words in its news headlines. Here are a few of the most common probe: investigate, investigation graft: corruption bid: attempt offer row: quarrel or disagreement he opening paragraph of the news story is known as the lead. It, too has a distinctive style. click for a detailed look at The lead

Ⅵ Reading Skill Headline Vocabulary Newspaper, along with reporting the news, instruct, entertain, and give opinions. A newspaper has separate sections: world news, national and local news, sports, business, entertainment, opinions, comics, classified ads, etc. You can be a better reader, if you know what to expect in a newspaper. For example, when you read a newspaper you usually look quickly at headlines first. Newspaper headline have a language of their own and it is necessary to learn about it. Another way to conserve space in headlines is to use short words instead of long ones. In the example below notice the various ways the headline writer can shorten the headline “MP criticises dishonest election plan”. The Bangkok Post uses about one hundred easily-learned short words in its news headlines. Here are a few of the most common. probe: investigate, investigation graft: corruption bid: attempt, offer row: quarrel or disagreement The opening paragraph of the news story is known as the lead. It, too, has a distinctive style. Click for a detailed look at The lead

VI Homework 0 For "Group Work", find material on American character. o Finish the exercises behind the text. 0 Home reading: Does Anybody Really care?

Ⅶ Homework  For “Group Work”, find material on American character.  Finish the exercises behind the text.  Home reading: Does Anybody Really Care?



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