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一、系统函数 二、序列线性时不变系统的频率响应 三、无限脉冲响应系统和有限脉冲响应系统
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Introduction (chapter objectives) Bit error rate for binary systems (unipolar, polar, bipolar, ooK, BPsK, FsK, and MSK Output signal-to-noise ratio for analog systemS(AM, SSB, PM, and Fm)
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Introduction Frequency-selective fading is a dominant impairment in mobile communications Fading reduces receive signal-to-noise ratio and degrades the bit-error-rate(BER) Frequency selectivity of the channel, i. e, delay spread, induces inter-symbol interference(ISI) To combat frequency-selective fading
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Ideal response Want Ideal Response to Signal -usuall straight-line function Actual response is determined by values of control factors and noise factors If noise factors are suppressed early, the en difficult problems only appear late Introduce noises early C Don Clausing 1998
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Plan for the session Q Questions Complete some random topics Lecture on design of dynamic systems (Signal/Response Systems Recitation on hw#5? 16.881
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◼ 信号: 含有信息内容的一种物质或刺激 ◼ 人体内的信号: 存在于细胞外液中含有信息内容的化学物质, 或机械的、电的、电磁波等刺激
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一、数据及数据文件(Data and Data file) 1.数据类型:(Data mode)用于编程和计算的数据类型(表31) 数组: 字符数组(Character array) 数值数组(Numeric array) 包括整形(int,uint8,int16,uint16,int32,uint32)单精度(signal),双精度(duble)(MATLAB最常用的变量类型),稀疏(sparce)数组
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绪论 一.数字信号处理的基本概念 1.信号 2.信号分类 3.模拟信号 4.数字信号 5.二者关系
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6-1引言 一、DF按频率特性分类 可分为低通、高通、带通、带阻和全通, 其特点为: (1)频率变量以数字频率ω表示,=, Ω为模拟角频率,T为抽样时间间隔; (2)以数字抽样频率为周期; (3)频率特性只限于2范围,这是因为依取样定理,实际频率特性只能为抽样频率的一半
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4-1引言 4-2按时间抽取(DIT)的FFT算法 4-3DIF的FFT算法 4-4FFT算法 4-5线性卷积的FFT算法
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