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一、目的基因( gene of irreresi)的获取 二、目的基因与载体结合成重组DIA 三、重组DNA分子引入受体细胞并表达 四、转化体细胞的扩增、鉴定与筛选
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本章介绍序列比对时常用的几个概念,包括同一性identity)、相似性(《dcnysimilaiy《)同 源性( homology)等。这些概念,在蛋白质和核酸序列比对时经常使用。双序列比对(pairwise alignement)是指通过一定的算法对两个DNA或蛋白质序列进行比对分析,从而找出两者 之间最大相似性匹配。双序列比对是序列分析常用方法之一,是多序列比对和数据库搜索的 基础
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1. If you were to mix the bases of dNa with water, would you expect them to form co-planar hydrogen bonds, or stack on top of each other. What about in an organ ic solvent such as DMso (Hint, the answer is different in each case). Justify your answer
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Electron Microscopy of replicating DNA reveals replicating bubbles. How does one prove bidirectional fork movement?
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Collaboration of Proteins at the Replication Fork Leading strand DNA polymerase lll Leadi ng strand template Lagging strand RNA primase template RNA primer
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一、人类基因组计划 二、DNA的鸟枪法序列分析技术 三、比较基因组学及功能基因组研究
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细胞凋亡(apoptosis)是kerr于1972年首次提 出的。 细胞凋亡或细胞程序化死亡(programmed cell death,PCD)不同于坏死(necrosis) 具有典型的特征,包括胞质浓缩、染色质凝集、 染色体降解呈 DNA ladder、细胞膜出芽形成凋 亡小体(apoptosis bodies 被正常细胞或噬细胞清除,而不引发炎症
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Muscle cells But if in the same organIsm, should have the same DNA per Nerve cells( cell Different cells have different clusters of genes active Development and differentiation of embryos is controlled by signaling molecules that alter gene expression in cells
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1.解释下列名词:半保留复制、DNA的自体催化和异体催化、转录、转译、密码子、反密码 子、起始密码、终止密码、顺反子、突变子重组子、遗传工程、无义密码、兼并、多核 糖体(多体)
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