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计算机技术、通信技术、大众传播技术的不断发展与融合,推动了多媒体技术的迅速发 展和应用的日益广泛。多媒体技术使计算机具有综合处理文字、声音、图像、视频等信息的 能力,其直观、简便的人机界面大大改善了计算机的操作方式,丰富了计算机的应用领域 多媒体技术的应用不仅渗透到了社会的各个领域改变了人类获取、处理、使用信息的方式, 还贴近大众生活,引领着社会时尚
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第一节固相反应类型 第二节固相反应机理 第三节固相反应动力学 第四节影响固相反应的因素
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4-1引言 4-2滑动摩擦 4-3考虑摩擦时的平衡问题 4-4滚动摩擦
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In this lecture, we will derive expressions for the angular momentum and kinetic energy of a 3D rigid body. We shall see that this introduces the concept of the Inertia Tensor. Angular Momentum We start form the expression of the angular momentum of a system of particles about the center of mass
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In this lecture, we will consider how to transfer from one orbit, or trajectory, to another. One of the assumptions that we shall make is that the velocity changes of the spacecraft, due to the propulsive effects, occur instantaneously. Although it obviously takes some time for the spacecraft to accelerate to the velocity of the new orbit, this assumption is reasonable when the burn time of the rocket is much smaller than the period of the orbit. In such cases, the Av required to do the maneuver is simply the difference between the
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When the only force acting on a particle is always directed to- wards a fixed point, the motion is called central force motion. This type of motion is particularly relevant when studying the orbital movement of planets and satellites. The laws which gov- ern this motion were first postulated by Kepler and deduced from observation. In this lecture, we will see that these laws are a con- sequence of Newton's second law. An understanding of central
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10.1写字动画 10.2放大镜 10.3简单打靶游戏 10.4制作音乐网站
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1.运行按钮 2.暂停按钮 3.点动按钮 4.进给速度比率按钮 5.主轴转速比率按钮
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一、系统概述 二、典型DEH控制系统配置 三、典型DEH控制系统主要功能 四、典型DEH系统操作说明 五、典型 DEH信号清单
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一、材质(二)p244 1、贴图材质 2、材质类型 3、材质的应用 4、特效与动画材质 材质(二)
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