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Circle the best answer according to the passage. 1. To many people the Bermuda Triangle is really a mystery because A. it is called \Devil's Triangle\ B. a lot of books have been written about the area . the lost continent of Atlantis lies somewhere in that area
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I. Summary of the Text Beijing,may5,1998 Intel announces that it will invest US$50 0 million to open an information technology research and development center in Beijing, China The Intel China Research Center will explore Internet-related issue and information technology disciplines. It will improve the fundamental research level in high technology in China and promote the exchange and cooperation between
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Unit siⅸ Text A I. Pre-Reading Task 1. What makes human beings different from animals? A. The ability to use tools. B. The learning and sharing of behavior . The use of language. 2. Do you think animals have a culture? If yes, give an example
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Culture is thought to be the thing only humans have. Studies of animals however, show that chimpanzees can make and use tools like man. Monkeys can learn to do something from each other. Apes can even be taught some forms of language. We find that certain animals do culture similar to that of human beings and the line dividing us from them is not as clear as we used to think
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I. Summary Learning behavior of animals varies to the different conditions and can be reinforce by certain repeated conditions. Pavlov called this kind of reaction conditioned reflex. Learning that animals are capable of also has something to do with intelligence, Different species have their own abilities to do different things. The distinguishable difference between man and animals maybe that the latter cannot really speak
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Unit Five Text B I. Pre-Reading Task 1.\Intel is the name of a(n A U.S. company B. IBM computer C government department D branch of the Internet 2. China is a country scientists and engineers in terms of computing technology
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The bermuda triangle L. Introduction 1. Introductory Remarks The Bermuda Triangle. also called the Devils Triangle is an area of the Atlantic Ocean off southeast Florida, where the disappearance of ships and airplanes on a number of occasions has led to considerable interest in unexplainable losses and other
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第一节制造业企业主要经济业务概述 一、制造业企业的主要经济业务内容 制造业企业是以产品的生产和销售为主要活动内容的经济组织。其主要经济业务内容可归纳为以下5种:
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Culture means an entire way of life of a society, or of a people. Different cultures have their own patterns of life. It's rather than instinctive behavior. The diversity of culture shows different attitude to ideas of what is beautiful and ways to treat dead bod ies. But it has nothing to do with right or wrong, for it is simply that different people do the some things in different ways
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第一节会计凭证的意义和种类 一、会计凭证的含义 1 记录经济业务的书面证明; 2 明确经济责任的书面证明; 3 据以登记账簿的书面证明
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