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一、药物制剂包装 药物制剂包装系指选用适宜的 材料和容器,利用一定技术对药物 制剂的成品进行分(罐)、封、壮、 贴签等加工过程的总称
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In the previous lecture, we related the motion experienced by two observers in relative translational motion with respect to each other. In this lecture we will extend this relation to our third type of observer.That is, observers who accelerate and rotate with respect to each other. As a matter of illustration, let us consider a very simple situation, in which a particle at rest with respect
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In the previous lectures we have described particle motion as it would be seen by an observer standing still at a fixed origin. This type of motion is called absolute motion. In many situations of practical interest, we find ourselves forced to describe the motion of bodies while we are simultaneously moving with respect to a more basic reference. There are many examples were such situations occur. The absolute motion of a passenger inside an aircraft is best
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So far we have used Newton's second law= ma to establish the instantaneous relation between the sum of the forces acting on a particle and the acceleration of that particle. Once the acceleration is known,the velocity (or position) is obtained by integrating the expression of the acceleration (or velocity). There are two situations in which the cumulative effects of unbalanced forces acting on a particle are of interest to us. These involve:
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6.1 概述 6.2 人机工程学与适用性设计 6.3 产品设计的适用性需求 6.4 适用性设计的发展要素 6.5 产品设计适用性的表现形式
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一、生产安全 实现安全生产的最基本的条件,就是保证人和机 器设备在生产中的安全。 1.安全制度 主要的安全制度有:安全机构和安全网制度; 安全教育制度;安全检查制度;安全措施管理制 度;事故管理制度;动火制度;劳动防护用品管 理制度;登高作业安全制度;受压容器安全制度; 尘毒岗位安全制度
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5.1 Introduction 5.2 Energy Balance 5.2.1 Energy Balance Equations 5.2.2 Calculations of Various Energy 5.2.3 Methods and Approaches 5.3 Thermal effects 5.3.1 Thermal in Physical changes 5.3.2 Thermal in Chemical changes 5.4 Examples of Energy Balance 5.5 Calculation of Consumption of Coolant, heating source and other energy 5.5.1 Coolant and Heating source frequently￾used 5.5.2 Consumption of Coolant and Heating source 5.5.3 Consumption of fuel 5.5.4 Consumption of Electric Energy 5.5.5 Consumption of Compressed air 5.5.6 Calculation of Sucking rate Vacuumed
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第一节 桌椅设计概述 第二节 坐姿生理解剖基础 第三节 座椅的功能尺寸 第四节 坐垫与靠垫 第五节 办公桌的功能尺寸
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In addition to the equations of linear impulse and momentum considered in the previous lecture, there is a parallel set of equations that relate the angular impulse and momentum. Angular Momentum We consider a particle of mass, m, with velocity v, moving under the influence of a force F. The angular momentum about point O is defined as the \moment\ of the particle's linear
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生产过程 是指从准备生产开始,直到此 产品产出的全过程,是劳动者借助于劳 动资料直接或间接的作用于劳动对象, 使之成为产品的全过程。 医药企业的生产过程,主要包括生产准 备过程、基本生产过程、辅助生产过程、 生产结束清场与清洗和生产服务过程
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