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1、细胞和组织的适应 萎缩,肥大,增生,化生的概念及形态学特点(重点) 2、细胞和组织的损伤
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1、不同类型细胞的再生潜能 2、坏死的概念,常见的类型及形态学特点。 3、骨折愈合
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:6.08MB 文档页数:113
1. What is Pathology: (1) Scientific study of diseas Causes (etiology) mechanisms (pathogenesis) ( 2)Investigation manifestaticn morphology of progress
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Hyperemia(充血) Hemorrhage出血 Thrombosis(血栓形成) Embolism(栓塞) infarction(梗死)
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OUTLINE Definition 2 Causes 3 Basic pathological changes 4 Local signs and general reaction Histological types 6 Inflammatory mediator and chemotaxis 7 Sequels
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一、概述 二、炎症的基本病理变化 三、炎症经过和结局 四、炎症的组织学类型 五、影响炎症的诸多因素
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淋巴造血系统 定义 淋巴瘤是原发于淋巴结和结 外淋巴组织、具有淋巴细胞 分化特点的恶性肿瘤
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定义 淋巴瘤是原发于淋巴结和结外淋巴组织、具有淋巴细胞分化特点的恶性肿瘤
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淋巴造血系统 造血器官: 骨髓、淋巴结、胸腺肝、脾(胚胎时期)髓外造血:疾病、骨髓代偿不足时,肝、脾及淋巴结恢复造血功能(从干细胞开始)
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Repair(修复) As cells and tissues are being injured, events that contain the damage and prepare the surviving cells to replicate are set into motion
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