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How experts make decisions in the real world Descriptive method Stress, time-pressure, dynamic conditions, ambiguous information, and ill-defined goals Heuristics may introduce bias but can be very powerful Other related research areas
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The Global environment oIn the past, managers have viewed the global sector as closed Each country or market was assumed to be isolated from others Firms did not consider global competition, exports oToday's environment is very different managers need to view it as an open market Organizations buy and sell around the world Managers need to learn to compete globally Irwin/McGraw-Hill CThe McGran-Hill Companies, Inc, 2000
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The planning process Planning is the process used by managers to identify and select goals and courses of action for the organization The organizational plan that results from the planning process details the goals to be attained o The pattern of decisions managers take to reach these goals is the organizations strategy
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1-5CBCDA 6-10BDDCD 11-15 CBBCC 16-20 ABBCC 21-25 ACBCD 26-30 ACADD 多项1。be2.ce3.BC4E5E
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BE.410 Spring 2003-Lecture 20 Images removed due to copyright considerations The following articles and research were discussed in this lecture Rawicz, W. et al. \Effect of Chain Length and Unsaturation on Elasticity of Lipid Bilayers
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BE. 410 Spring 2003-Lecture 3 Slides Images removed due to copyright considerations See Figures 1 and 2 in Liphardt, Jan, et al. \Reversible Unfolding of Single RNA Molecules
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1 Introduction Background for New methodology Modern natural science methodology is mainly based on matter and energy Even though matter and energy are still necessitate factors in information system, yet the characteristic feature of information systems, particularly the complex ones, is neither matter nor energy but information Without information, the complex information systems, like brain and intelligent life. cannot be understood
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1. Information Processing Definition of Information processing All operations exerted to the information itself for its better utilization Information processing is necessary because most of the information in its original form may not be good for use. Thus information processing is the basis of later operations Two categories of information processing: 1)Shallow Level of Information Processing 2)Deeper level of Information Processing
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Problems to be concerned with 1. How should we define the concept of Information 2. What are the typical features of Information compared with matter and energy 3. What are the relationship and difference between Shannon Information and comprehensive Information 4. How to reasonably classify Information 5. How to properly represent Information
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The principles of application fertilizers Law of the Minimum: the crop's yield is restricted by the lack of one element, even Mg- al Zn S though there may be sufficient quantities of all the
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