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Some Properties 1. ∆n is consistent. 2. Γ ⊆ ∆n ⊆ ∆n+1 ⊆ ∆Γ 3. ∆Γ is complete. 4. If ∆Γ ` A then there exists n ∈ N such that ∆n ` A. 5. A ∈ ∆Γ iff ∆Γ ` A 6. ∆Γ is consistent
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The primitive symbols of E are those of F, plus the symbol ∃. The formation Rules of E are those of F, plus the following If B is a wff of E and x is an individual variable, then ∃xB is a wff of E. The axiom schemata of E are those of F plus
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F= = F + “ = ” + 2 Axiom Schemata Axiom Schema 6 x = x. Axiom Schema 7 x = y ⊃ (SzxA ⊃ SzyA) where A is an atomic wff. A first order theory is a first-order theory with equality if it has a binary predicate = such that the wffs above are theorem of the theory
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4.1 Introduction to Asymptotic Theory 4.2 Framework and Assumptions 4.3 Consistency of OLS 4.4 Asymptotic Normality of OLS 4.5 Asymptotic Variance Estimation 4.6 Hypothesis Testing 4.7 Testing for Conditional Homoskedasticity 4.8 Conclusion
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3.1 Framework and Assumptions 3.2 Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Estimation 3.3 Goodness of Fit and Model Selection Criteria 3.4 Consistency and Efficiency of OLS 3.5 Sampling Distribution of OLS 3.6 Variance Estimation for OLS 3.7 Hypothesis Testing 3.8 Applications 3.9 Generalized Least Squares (GLS) Estimation 3.10 Conclusion
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6.1 概述 6.2 while 语句(当型循环) 6.3 do~while语句(直到型循环 6.4 for语句 6.5 循环的嵌套 6.6 几种循环的比较 6.7 break语句和continue语句 6.8 程序举例
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8.1 概述 8.2 函数定义的一般形式 8.3 函数参数和函数的值 8.4 函数的调用 8.5 函数的嵌套调用 8.6 函数和递归调用 8.7 数组作为函数的参数 8.8 局部变量和全局变量 8.9 变量 的存储类型 8.10 内部函数和外部函数
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1、数组名、数组元素的概念。 2、数组的初始化方法。 3、数组元素在内存中的存储顺序。 4、数据排序算法。 5、字符串的特点 6、字符串处理函数的应用
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4.1 C语句概述 4.2 赋值语句 4.3 数据输入输出的概念及在C语言中的实现 4.4 字符数据的输入输出 4.5 格式输入与输出
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2.1 C的数据类型 2.2 常量与变量 2.3 整型数据 2.4 实型数据 2.5 字符型数据 2.6 变量赋初值 2.7 各类数值型数据间的混合运算 2.8 算术运算符和算术表达式 2.9 赋值运算符和赋值表达式 2.10 关系运算、逻辑运算、条件运算 2.11 逗号运算符和逗号表达式
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