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For contact information about worldwide offices, see the Math Works Web site. Writing S-Functions COPYRIGHT 1998-2002 by The Math Works, Inc. The software described in this document is fur d under a license agreement. The software may be used or copied only under the terms of the license agreement. No part of this manual may be photocopied or repro-
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How to Contact The mathWorks www.mathworks.com comp.soft-sys matlab Newsgroup @supportemathworks.comtechnicalsupport suggestemathworks.com Product enhancement suggestions bugs@mathworks.com Bug reports docamathworks. com
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How to contact the mathWorks: www.mathworks.com Web comp. soft-sys matlab Newsgroup supportamathworks com Technical support suggestemathworks.com Product enhancement suggestion
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How to Contact The MathWorks 508-647-7000 Phone 508-647-7001 ax C The MathWorks, Inc Maill 3 Apple Hill Drive Natick. MA 01760-2098 http://www.mathworks.comWeb Anonymous FTP server comp. soft-sys. matl ab
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How to contact the mathWorks: www.mathworks.com Web comp. soft-sys matlab Newsgroup supportamathworks com Technical support suggestemathworks.com Product enhancement suggestion
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Supplement Practical Application Issues of Power Semiconductor Devices and d Gate Triggering Control Circuit for Thyristor Rectifiers
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7.1 Basic concepts on soft-switching 7.2 Classification of soft-switching- techniques 7.3 Typical soft-switching circuits and techniques
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Applications of Inverters Conversion of electric power from DC type energy sources to AC type load -Battery Photovoltaic cell (Solar cell) Fuel cell +As a part of composite converter AC-DC-AC frequency converter(for AC motor drive) AC-DC-AC constant-voltage constant-frequency converter(for uninterruptable power supplies)
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3.1 Basic DC to DC converters 3.1.1 Buck converter(Step-down converter) 3.1.2 Boost converter(Step-up converter) 3.1.3 Buck-Boost converter(Step-downstep-up converter)and Cuk converter 3.1.4 Sepic converter and Zeta converter 3.2 Composite DC/DC converters and connection of multiple DC/DC converters 3.2.1 A current-reversible chopper 3.2.2 Bridge chopper (H-bridge DC/DC converter) 3.2.3 Multi-phase multi-channel DC/DC converters
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1.1 An introductory overview of power electronic devices 1.2 Uncontrolled device-power diode 1.3 Half-controlled device-thyristor 1.4 Typical fully-controlled devices 1.5 Other new power electronic devices 16Drive circuit for power electronic devices 1.7 Protection of power electronic devices 1.8 Series and parallel connections of power electronic devices
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