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电子科技大学:《试验设计方法》第三章 多指标问题及正交表的灵活运用(部分)
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一、专利: 1、权利人对某项发明创造所享有的专利权。 2、被授予专利权的发明创造本身。 3、有时也指记载发明创造内容的专利文献。狭义仅指专利权
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一、财务报表分析和报告 二、财务分析应用与解释 三、杜邦分析体系、EVA以及上市公司财务报表
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Earnings Persistence Recasting and Adjusting Earnings persistence is a key to effective equity analysis and valuation Analyzing earnings persistence is a main analysis objective
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Liquidity and Working Capital Basics Company Liquidity refers to the ability to meet short- term obligations Liquidity is the ability to convert assets into cash or to obtain cash Short term is the longer of one-year or the company operating cycle
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Return on Invested Capital Importance of Joint Analysis Joint analysis is where one measure is assessed relative to another Return on invested capital (ROI) is an important joint analysis
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Income Measurement Concepts Illustration Facts: Company with$100,000 in cash Buys condo for$100,000 Rents condo for $12,000 per year End of the first year: Condo valued at
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Current Asset Introduction Classification Current (short- Noncurrent term)Assets (Long-Term) Assets Resources or claims to resources that are Resources or claims expected to be sold
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Liabilities Definition Macintosh PICT image format is not supported A liability is probable future payment of assets or services that company is presently obligated to make as a result of past transactions or events
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Financial Reporting Environment Regulators Industry Alternative Information Practices Sources Economy and Industry Information
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