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This unit explores the generation gap between young people and their parents. After shing studying Section A, Ss should be able grasp the main idea(young people and their parents might think quite differently on the same thing and seem to ignore what is important in each other's worlds. This put them in separate worlds and creates the generation gap
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if引导的虚拟条件句 倒装的If虚拟句 wish引导的虚拟句 as if /though 名词性从句中要求用虚拟语气的动词 虚拟语气特殊句型 含蓄条件句
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Teaching Objectives: This unit help us learn what you can do to protect yourself, your family, your friends and neighbors. Every person can make a difference. After learning it, students should be able to: 1)learn about AIDS and know how to protect ourselves
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This unit is intended to explore other ways of good communication (nonverbal communication) in addition to words, feelings and senses. After learning it, Ss are expected to have better understanding about how master as well as to pressent good communication signs in an Engllish culture, such as apperance, eye contact, gestures, movements, etc
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Section A: Learning a Foreign Language(4 hours) Section B: Keys to Successful Online learning (2 hours) The texts are used as inputs (for output), stimuli (for response), prompts(for thinking) Teaching Objectives: This unit is intended to introduce you to studying by computer. After learning it, Ss should be able to
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非关税措施是指除关税以外影响一国对外贸易的主要政策措施。包括限制进口措施、鼓励出口措施、鼓励进口措施、出口管制措施、贸易制裁措施等。 第一节 限制进口措施 第二节 鼓励出口措施 第三节 鼓励进口措施 第四节 出口管制措施 第五节 贸易制裁措施
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H-O模型的基本内容 H-O模型是一个总称,包括四个方面的内容: (1)HO假说:各国将出口那些密集使用本国丰富的生产要素生产的产品,而进口那些密集使用本国稀缺要素生产的产品。 (2)要素价格均等化:国际贸易将使生产要素的实际收益均等化。 (3)斯托尔帕-萨缪尔森定理:国际贸易有益于国使用其丰富要素进行的生产,但减少稀缺要素的实际收入
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Composition Structure Many good compositions of academic writing (e.g. report, an essay, an assignment, a project) have their organizational structure or their ways in which the different parts are linked together. The following general plan for three paragraph composition will help to control the overall structure of your writing
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1. Have you or your friend ever been cheated by a manufacturer? Describe your experience to your partner. Reference: Yes. Last year I planned to buy a computer so I could surf the net. I want to find a cheap one that's attractive and eas sy to use. I found
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To test if you are self-confidence or self-abasement Here are 32 issues for you. Read carefully. After you've got what they mean, please score according to the number array, and make out the level that fits you. The example below will show you how to example: I don't consider efficiency
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