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Chapter 8 Nucleus and chromosomes Learning Objectives (1)A typical nonmitotic nucleus includes several majorcomponents. (2) Nuclear envelope and nuclear pore complex. (3)The components of chromatin and packaging ofchromosome (4) Nucleolus
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Chapter 6 Cytoplasmic matrix, Endomembrane system, Protein Sorting and membrane trafficking Learning objective 1. Compartmentalization in Eukaryotic Cells 2. The structural and functional relationship among the er, Golgi complexes, lysosomes and plasma membranes ofeukaryotic cells
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苏州大学医学部药学院:大类基础课程《分子细胞生物学 Molecular cell Biology》课程教学资源(授课教案)
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苏州大学医学部药学院:大类基础课程《分子细胞生物学 Molecular cell Biology》课程教学资源(教学大纲)
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前言 基因突变导致蛋白功能改变 基因突变引起性状改变的机制
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Chapter 4: Cell Membrane and Cell Surface I. Cell membrane I. Cell Junctions I. Cell adhesion IV. Extracellular matrix
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Chapter 3 Techniques in Cell Biology Preparatory observe put forward theoretics Design control tests Refer to knowledge Collect data Explain results Devise conclusion
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Chapter 3. Techniques in Cell Biology Preparatory observe put forward theoretics Design control tests Refer to knowledge Collect data Explain results Devise conclusion
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Chapter 13 Cell apoptosis 1. Extracellular cotrol of cell division cell growth, and apoptosis Mitogens stimulate G1-Cdk and G1/S-Cdk activities
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1.Genes can be mutated in many ways 2. Somatic versus germline mutations 3. Types of mutation effects
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