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Social Expressions with something to imply (I) 1. Gender a. Way of talking: tone, register, tenderness, color preference and language, topics of conversation, cursing words
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Language Definition of human language ----A system of vocal symbols used human communication
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Do Children Learn By Imitation? Stages of first language learning a. one word Apple. (I would like to have an apple. This is an apple.) b. two words Daddy, apple. C. more words Doggy sit here
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The Definitions of Pragmatics speaker listener context social interaction functions of language
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ChapterⅣ Syntax Syntax and grammar Syntax: A Definition Syntax and chomsky
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Chapter IIi Sound Forms- Morphology Language and Form 1 Form of sounds 2 Form patterns
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一、语言是社会现象 (一)语言不是自然现象 19世纪,受达尔文生物 进化论影响,比较盛行的一 种观点。以德国语言学家施 莱赫尔为代表。他在《达尔 文学说与语言学》一书中把 达尔文关于物种起源和发展 的学说运用于语言学领域
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一、元音和辅音 发音时气流振动声带,在口腔或咽腔不受阻碍而形成的音素叫元音;
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第一节 文字和语言 第二节 文字的起源、发展和改革 第三节 书面语
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