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Attached growth processes can be grouped into three general classes: (1) nonsubmerged attached growth processes, (2) suspended growth processes with fixed-film packing, and (3) submerged attached growth aerobic processes. Nonsubmerged Attached Growth Processes. Trickling filters with rock packing have been a common
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The first three types of control devices we consider--gravity settlers, cyclone separators, and electrostatic precipitators--all function by driving the particles to a solid wall, where they adhere to each other to form agglomerates that can be removed from the collection device and disposed of
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The activated-sludge process is now used routinely for biological treatment of municipal and industrial wastewaters. The antecedents of the activated-sludge process date back to the early 1880s to the work of Dr. Angus Smith, who investigated the aeration of wastewater in tanks and the hastening of the oxidation of the organic matter
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Operations used for the treatment of wastewater in which change is brought about by means of or through the application of physical forces are known as physical unit operations. Because physical unit operations were derived originally from observations of the physical world, they were the first treatment methods to be used. Today, physical unit operations, as shown on Fig. 5-1, are a major part of most wastewater
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Determining wastewater flowrates and constituent mass loadings is a fundamental step in initiating the conceptual process design of wastewater treatment facilities. Reliable data for existing and projected flowrates affect the hydraulic characteristics, sizing, and operational considerations of the treatment system components
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The safe and reliable long-term disposal of solid waste residues is an important component of integrated waste management. Solid waste residues are waste components that are not recycled, that remain after processing at a materials recovery facility, or that remain after the recovery of conversion products and/or energy. Historically, solid waste has been placed in the soil in the earth's surface or deposited in the oceans
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Solid wastes include all solid or semisolid materials that the possessor no longer considers of sufficient value to retain. The management of these waste materials is the fundamental concern of all the activities encompassed in solid waste management—whether the planning level is local, regional or subregional, or state and federal. For this reason, it is important to know as much about municipal solid waste (MSW) as possible. The purpose of this chapter is to identify the sources, types, and composition of solid wastes
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The control of particulates and VOCs is mostly accomplished by physical processes (cyclones, ESPs, filters, leakage control, vapor capture, condensation) that do not involve changing the chemical nature of the pollutant. Some particles and VOCs are chemically changed into harmless materials by combustion. This chapter and the next concern pollutants--sulfur oxides and nitrogen
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7-1 Introduction to the Activated-Sludge Process Historical Development Experiments conducted at the Lawrence Experiment Station during 1912 and 1913 by Clark and Gage With air input into wastewater, growths of organisms could be cultivated in bottles and in tanks partially filled with roofing slate spaced about 25 mm (1 in) apart and would greatly increase the degree of purification
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Every community produces both liquid and solid wastes and air emissions. The liquid waste-wastewater, is essentially the water supply of the community after it has been used in a variety of applications. From the standpoint of sources of generation, wastewater may be defined as a combination of the liquid or water-carried wastes removed from residences
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