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In a service company, important parts of the product are being designed by the front-liners every time they serve a customer They are uniquely positioned to read customer needs. You need to provide them with information(about costs)and incentives
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:212.24KB 文档页数:3
Complaint management is an Investment Cost of customer acquisition vs retention Loyal Word of mouth(p positive or negative) Information for design changes Compensation may exceed price
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:14.5KB 文档页数:3
Complaint Management is an Investment Cost of customer acquisition vs. retention Loyalty Word of mouth (positive or negative) Information for design changes Compensation may exceed price
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:13KB 文档页数:1
Please read the package and think about Which replies are good and why? Which replies are bad and why? Is a reply always better than none? What do the companies get out of this?
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:28.79KB 文档页数:1
15.834 Complaints Please read the package and think about Which replies are good and why? Which replies are bad and why? Is a reply always better than none? What do the companies get out of this?
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Factors facilitating heads attack transparent performance and fashion cycles The same factors make defense arder
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Factors facilitating head s attack transparent performance and fashion cycles The same factors make defense harder
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Price wars are bad, especially with high fixed costs They reduce current profits and erode customers' perception of product quality Price wars are not inevitable. For example the French and the Germans fight every fifty years but not every year
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15834 Mid-Course Feedback 03 More specificity on summary slides .Lectures boring Case overlap . Post lecture slides
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:32.35KB 文档页数:1
15.834 Mid-Course Feedback 03 More specificity on summary slides Lectures boring Case overlap Post lecture slides More videos
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