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By the close of the eighteenth century, the world had witnessed several major political 1. the American and French revolutions, 2.exceptional social upheavals, 3. prominent changes in philosophical thought
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1. Historical Background The English Bourgeois Revolution and Restoration: The weakening of the tie between monarchy and bourgeoisie; The clashes between the King and Parliament; The outburst of the English Revolution;
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The War of the Roses (1455-1485) The discovery of America and the new sea routes Reformation of the church
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1. Historical background: 1066 Norman Conquest Ca.1200 Beginnings of Middle Englishliterature 1336 Edward Ⅲ began the One -Hundred -Year -War
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1. The Making of the Nation The early inhabitants---Britons,a tribe of Celts. mixed blood. “Britain”, the land of Britons
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北京大学:《宗教学导论 An Introduction to Religious Studies》课程电子教案(PPT课件讲稿)第五章《创世记》选读
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