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Background of asthma Prevalence in the world: 1.6 hundred million in China:1-3 in Shenyang: 1.24 %(1999) GINA: Global Initiative for Asthma(1994) WHO/HLBI Bronchial asthmatic diagnosis guideline (1997) Chinese medical academy
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Outline Review u Examined basics of GPS signal structure and how gnal is tracked a Looked at methods used to acquire satellites and start g Today we look at
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The Open Economy No nation was ever ruined by tr Benjamin Franklin Even if you never leave your home town, you are an active participant in a global conomy. When you go to the grocery store, for instance, you might choose be- tween apples grown locally and grapes grown in Chile. When you make a de posit into your local bank, the bank might lend those funds to your next-door
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全球变化(global change)是指地球生态系统在自 然和人为影响下出现的可能改变地球承载生物能力的 全球环境变化,包括全球气候变化、温室效应、环境 污染、生态退化等人类生态环境的变化。 1992年在巴西里约热内卢召开的联合国环境与发展 大会上提出了《气候变化框架公约》,列出全球变化 项目除全球气候变化外,还包括全球人口增长、土地 利用和覆盖的变化、大气成分变化、营养物质生物地 化循环变化、生物多样性丧失等方面。这些变化是相 互作用的
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Data on world forest extent ,plantation extent ,and forest management and ownership provide the basis for monitoring the status of the world’s forest, as well as analyzing the effects of markets and government on those forests
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Being exposed to the risk of criminal victimization or actually being a victim of crime is a common feature of life for most people in most countries throughout the world. Concern about risk and the effects of crime are reflected in various national legal provisions and, at an international level, in the Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice
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The initial tolerance is important for geometry construction and grid construction. The preferred method to set the tolerance is to work from the Preferences pull down menu and select Global
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8.8 Attenuation 8.9 Other Global Control Networks 8.10 Signal Transduction and Two￾Component egulatory Systems 8.11 Regulation of Chemotaxis
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Describe the strategic planning process. 2. Describe the purpose and content of a business plan. 3. Understand how e-commerce impacts the strategic planning process. 4. Understand how EC applications are formulated, justified, and prioritized
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Reading-Centred Activities 1. Global Reading Task Answer the questions on page 38 toget the main idea of the text. Distinguish between facts andopinions while reading the text Matching the following topics witht he paragraphs in the text
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