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Stage 1: Warming-up Activities Stage 2: Reading-Centred Activities Stage 3: After-Reading Activities Stage 4: Listening-and-Speaking Practice
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Stage 1: Warming-up Activities Stage 2: Reading-Centred Activities Stage 3: After-Reading Activities Stage 4: Listening-and-Speaking Practice
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Unit 7 Part Ⅰ Pre-reading activities Part Ⅱ Text A Part Ⅲ Text B Part Ⅳ Post-reading activities
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Unit 5 Reading Comprehension Directions: There are 3 passages in this unit. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C)and
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Unit 2 Reading Comprehension Directions: There are 3 passages in this unit. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C)and
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Reading skills of scientific and technical English Reading for Main Idea(获取主题思想) 我们可以把获取主题思想的阅读技巧分四步 1辨认主题名词 identify subject word 2找出主题词 find subject word 3获取主题思想 gain main idea 4避免不相关的内容 avoid disrelated content
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Useful Information Advantage of reading books. The old saying: \To open a book is always helpful.\clearly shows us how good it is to read a book. Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention t the choice of books. It's true that we can derive benefits from good books. As a matter of fact, books
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In this unit, you will first listen and then talk about college life read about how much there is to learn in college write about your most memorable examination practice reading skills: reading with a purpose practice forming compound and complex sentences learn to fill in registration forms and design name cards visit culture salon about college life in the United
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Pre-reading Activities Structure of the Passage Intensive Study Expressions Patterns After-reading Activities Translation Writingo
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Unit 10 The Credibility Principle? I Objective Understanding what \credibility\ is in all kinds of social life Understanding why credibility principle should be followed and cherished Reading skill: Reading advertisement Ⅱ Time Arrangement
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