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西安石油大学外语系:《大学英语 College English》精品课程教学资源(PPT课件)Unit1B Section B:Keys to Successful Online Learning

I.Reading skill II.Fast reading III.Structure of the text IV.Important Words V.Detailed study of Text VI.Exercises

Wew Horizon CollegeEnglish B Department of Foreign Languages Xi'an Shiyou University

Xi’an Shiyou University New Horizon College English Book Ⅰ Department of Foreign Languages

Section B: Keys to Successful Online Learning New Horizon College English Book I

Contents I.Reading skill II.Fast reading III.Structure of the text IV.Important Words V.Detailed study of Text VI.Exercises

I Reading skill Finding out word meanings through any differeni ways

1. How to find out word meanings? o Look for explanations in the text, including definition after punctuations, attributive clauses and so on. gok for the related information of the word, such as explanations of he opposite meaning examples, context and so on o Use your own experience to figure our the definition of the word

2. Practice Find out the key ideas in these sentences from section A o I had a kind and patient teacher who often praised all of the students. Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes(para2, passage A) The sentence before the word positive gives a very clear hints as to the meaning of the word positiye When i went to senior middle school, i was eager to continue studying English; however,my experience in senior school was every different from before. While my former teacher had been patient with all the students, my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers.(para3, passage A The whole sentence before the word former explains that former refers to the previous one

lI. Fast reading. 1. Judging from the third paragraph, the online environment can be kept open and fri iendly because A online students have unique qualities that best fit the online environment. B. the communication barriers are removed C. online students are alllowed more time te think about the information before replying 2,To be successful, some online students J」G ve to X A. improve their writing abilities to be able communicate through written language B share ideas, perspectives and discussions on the subject being studied, and read about those of their classmates C. learn to work alone efficiently and read about the ideas of their classmates

3. Unlike regular schools, teachers cannot see their students in the online environment, so, above all, online students must A understand technical problems they meet in learning their courses B give their comments and request every clearly C. discuss their ideas according to their knowledge about the subject being studied 4,When problems arise, online students J月 A. explain their reasons for them and learn from other students B explain their experience with technical difficulties C. tell the instructors and other students what problems they have

5. Successful online students think that A online learning is easier than learning from other students B online learning is a fun way to study C online learning is useful and suited to receiving education 6 In the eleventh paragraph, online learrning requires that students should A. respect the instructor and their classmates B. think critically and make decisions based on facts C. understand the information of online course

7. It is essential that students A develop answers in a careful wa y and develop their ideas B test and question the rightness of the ideas C provide meaningful and important information for the online course 8 According to the passage, online tudents should if they want to successTul A be able to speak naturally B. be able to communicate with instructors personally to offer help C finish all the course work on time back

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