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一、利率 二、单利 三、复利 四、贷款的分期偿还
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一、商业环境 二、税收环境 三、金融环境
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一、环境管理 运用经济、法律、技术、行政、教育等手段, 限制人类损害环境质量的行为 环境管理不是管理自然环境本身,而是管理人 的社会行为
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Liquid asset management S CASH- motives for holding casha Transactions: to meet cash needs that arise from doing business. Precautionary: having cash on hand for unexpected needs Speculative: to take advantage of potential profit-making situations
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Working-Capital Management Current assets cash, marketable securities, inventory accounts receivable Long- Term Assets equipment, buildings, land Which earn higher rates of return? Which help avoid risk of illiquidity?
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Dilemma: Should the firm use retained earnings for: a) financing profitable capital inⅴ estments? b)Paying dividends to stockholders
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Balance sheet Current Current Assets Liabilities Debt and Fi Ixed Preferred Assets Shareholders
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2 concepts that enhance our understanding of risk... 1) Operating Leverage affects a firm's business risk. 2) Financial Leverage affects a firm's financial risk
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0: What are SECURITIes? A: Financial assets that Investors purchase hoping to earn a high rate of return
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