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10.1财政的一般原理 10.2财政法概述 10.3财政收支划分法和转移支付法 10.4预算法 10.5国债法 10.6政府采购法
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2.2 three approaches to measure GDP 2.3 Ni pi DPl 2.4 MPS VS SNA 2.5 saving and wealth, stock and flow
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7.1 Fiscal policies and effects 7.2 Monetary policies and effects 7.3 Policy mix 7.4 Economic fluctuation and eliminating the fluctuations with economic policies 7.5 Macroeconomic policy practice
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Topics to be Discussed Basic principles of building macroeconomic model Micro basis of macroeconomics &Choices of households Choices of firms Introduction to labor market
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Some facts in business-cycle Real-business-cycle theory's explanation to some important economic variables Explanation to the fluctuations of output, consumption investment Explanations to employment fluctuation Explanations to monetary fluctuation Evaluation to Real-business-cycle theory
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Main Idea Nominal Rigidity nominal price rigidity nominal wage rigidity Real Rigidity Real price rigidity Real wage rigidity Unemployment, Economic Cycle and Policy Suggestion
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Introduction to New Classical Theories R.lucas Supply Function Rational Expectations and R.lucas Criterion Policy Implications Comparisons between New Classical and Keynesian Theories
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Topics to be Discussed 11.1 Summary Initial research about the economic growth The definition about the economic growth Weighing standard about the economic growth Headspring of the economic growth Economic growth and economic development
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Content A simple closed model The static solution of simple model Basic concepts of disequilibrium theory
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5.1 The Goods Market Equilibrium and IS Curve 5.2 Financial Markets and LM Curve 5.3 Goods and Financial Markets: IS- LM Model
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