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西安建筑科技大学:《微观经济学 Microeconomics》课程教学资源(培养计划)会计学专业培养计划(2008)
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1. Binary Choice Model for Panel Data
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一、变系数模型 二、动态模型 三、关于平行数据模型的总结
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一、问题的提出 二、泊松回归模型 三、泊松回归模型的扩展
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一、模型的设定—F检验 二、固定影响变截距模型 三、随机影响变截距模型 四、固定影响/随机影响模型的检验
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Production — Oligopoly 1 Cournot Duopoly Suppose there are two firms in an industry. Their strategy spaces are quantities. Their payoffs are profits. Industry demand is given by the inverse demand function, P(Q), where industry production is Q = q1 + q2. They
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Endowments and Allocations Consider first the case of a pure exchange economy. (One with no production). Suppose there are two consumers, A and B, in a two good economy. A starts with an endowment of ωA =
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There are two countries, Home (H) and Foreign (F). There are two goods, units of wine (Qw) and cheese (Qc). Suppose there is one factor of production, labour, which is available in amounts L and L
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The last lecture investigated which bundle of goods the consumer prefers. However, goods cost money and the consumer cannot afford to buy indefinite amounts of each good
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There is another way to decompose the price effect. For simplicity consider a consumer with fixed income m. The Hicks decomposition involves pivoting the budget line around the initial indifference curve rather than the initial bundle. The diagram below illustrates for a price decrease in good 1
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