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Topics to be Discussed Competitive Factor Markets Equilibrium in a Competitive Factor Market Factor Markets with Monopsony Power Factor Markets with Monopoly Power
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一、垄断性竞争 二、寡头垄断 三、价格竞争 四、竞争与串通:囚徒困境
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Topics to be Discussed a Capturing Consumer Surplus Price Discrimination Intertemporal Price Discrimination and Peak-Load Pricing
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Actual Structural and Cyclical Budget Deficits Government Debt Displaceste Capital T-260
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This chapter introduces comparative advantage and shows that having people specialize in the production in which they are relatively more efficient allows the production of more of everything. It introduces the production possibilities curve and develops the production possibilities model to show precisely how specialization enhances the productive capacity of an economy
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国民经济有两种涵义: 一.是指物质生产部门和非物质生产部门的总和(静态) 二.是指社会产品再生产生产、分配、流通 和使用的总过程(动态). 国民经济核算是以国民经济为整体的核算,又 称国民核算
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Multiple Choice 1. Equilibrium a. is a concept unique to economics. b. always occurs where supply equals demand. C. results when opposing forces fail to cancel each other out. d. indicates balance. e. all of the above
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Government Debt 1. Is budget deficit correctly measured? (1)Inflation (2)Capital Assets ( 3)Uncounted liabilities ( 4) Business cycle
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