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1. Which of the following explains why automobile engines are smaller in England than in the united states?
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1. Price changes affect quantity demanded for two reasons: They attractiveness of substitute goods and they alter the real value of the consumers purchasing power. The second effect grows larger as the share of the consumers
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Chapter 3 introduces markets and provides an overview of the supply and demand model. It begins by comparing central planning and the market as alternative methods of allocating resources Chapter 3-Supply and Demand: An Introduction Slide 3
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25.1 国际投资 25.2 世界股票市场 25.3 国际分散化 25.4 汇率风险 25.5 消极与积极的国际投资 25.6 因素模型与国际投资 25.7 世界资本市场的均衡
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23.1 外汇期货 23.2 股票指数期货 23.3 利率期货 23.4 商品期货的定价 23.5 互换
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22.1 期货合约 22.2 期货市场的交易机制 22.3 期货市场策略 22.4 金融价格的决定 22.5 金融期货
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20.1 期权合约 20.2 到期期权价值 20.3 期权策略 20.4 看跌与看涨期权的平价关系 20.5 期权式证券 20.6 金融工程 20.7 新型期权
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19.1 主要财务报表 19.2 会计收益与经济效益 19.3 权益收益率 19.4 比例分析 19.5 经济增加值 19.6 关于财务报表分析的说明 19.7 可比性问题 19.8 价值投资
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1. The equilibrium price of a good is determined by the intersection of its supply and demand curves. We can know everything about a goods cost of production( that, is we can know its supply exactly) yet still not know where the demand curve will intersect the supply curve
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16.1 利率风险 16.2 凸性 16.3 消极的债券管理 16.4 积极的债券管理 16.5 利率互换 16.6 金融工程与衍生利率
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