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山东大学:《口腔组织病理学》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第一章 口腔颌面部发育 Chapter 1 Development of Oral-maxillo-facial Region 第三节 腭的发育 Development of the palate
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山东大学:《口腔组织病理学》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第一章 口腔颌面部发育 Chapter 1 Development of Oral-maxillo-facial Region 第一节 神经嵴、鳃弓和咽囊 neural crest, branchial arch and pharygeal pouch
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Structure of kidney Glomerulonephritis Pyelonephritis Tumors
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Infections Epidemic Eerebrospinal Meningitis Epidemic Encephalitis B Degenerative diseases: Alzheimer Disease Parkinson's Disease
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北京大学:《病理学》课程PPT教学课件(讲稿)第五讲 胆道炎、胰腺炎
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一、口腔 二、消化管:咽、食管、胃、小肠、大肠 三、消化腺:唾液腺、胰腺 四、肝与胆道(胆囊与胆管)
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1、重点: (1)颅脑损伤; (2)颈部损伤。 2、难点: (1)颅脑损伤的类型及形成机理; (2)颈部损伤的类型及形成机理
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1、了解脊柱与脊髓损伤的类型及形态学改变。 2、掌握各类肋骨骨折的分类、形态学改变及法医学意义
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This is a multisystem disease and an acute, often recurrent, inflammatory disease principally of children that generally follows a pharyngeal(but not skin) infection with group A beta-hemolytic streptococci
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