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总体说明 《现代企业管理学》作为系统研究现代企业中一般管理规律的一门学科,是 管理类与经济类各专业的专业基础课。通过该课程的学习,学生可以掌握管 理的基本理论和方法,为学习其它专业课奠定基础。同时通过课堂教学中案 例分析、角色扮演以及学生实地参观、社会调查等多种形式,培养学生将理 论运用于实践的能力
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§3-1半导体的基本知识 §3-2 PN结的形成及特性 §3-3半导体二极管 §3-4二极管基本电路及分析方法 §3-5特殊二极管
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§2-1 半导体基础知识 §2-2 PN结的形成及特性 §2-3 半导体二极管 §2-4 二极管基本电路及其分析方法 §2.5 特殊二极管
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项目费用管理的组织 一、组织论的意义及主要内容 二、项目组织结构类型 三、管理职能分工 四、项目费用管理的工作流程 五、项目费用控制的主要工作目录
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 8.1 随机数的产生  8.2 密钥管理概述  8.3 密钥分配  8.4 PKI公钥基础设施  8.5 X.509认证业务  8.6 秘密共享  8.7 秘密托管简介
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西安电子科技大学:《现代密码学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第六章 密钥分配与密钥管理 Key Distribution and Key Management(随机数的产生 Generation of Random Numbers、秘密分割 Secrete Sharing)
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4.1 Define data mining as an enabling technology for business analytics 4.2 Understand the objectives and benefits of data mining 4.3 Become familiar with the wide range of applications of data mining 4.4 Learn the standardized data mining processes 4.5 Learn different methods and algorithms of data mining 4.6 Build awareness of the existing data mining software tools 4.7 Understand the privacy issues, pitfalls, and myths of data mining
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3.1 Understand the basic definitions and concepts of data warehousing 3.2 Understand data warehousing architectures 3.3 Describe the processes used in developing and managing data warehouses 3.4 Explain data warehousing operations 3.5 Explain the role of data warehouses in decision support
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2.1 Understand the nature of data as it relates to business intelligence (BI) and analytics 2.2 Learn the methods used to make real-world data analytics ready 2.3 Describe statistical modeling and its relationship to business analytics 2.4 Learn about descriptive and inferential statistics 2.5 Define business reporting, and understand its historical evolution
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1.1 Understand the need for computerized support of managerial decision making 1.2 Recognize the evolution of such computerized support to the current state—analytics/data science 1.3 Describe the business intelligence (BI) methodology and concepts 1.4 Understand the various types of analytics, and see selected applications 1.5 Understand the analytics ecosystem to identify various key players and career opportunities
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